From the course: Cert Prep: Unity Certified Associate Game Developer Design, Production, and Industry Awareness

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Mobile testing

Mobile testing

- [Instructor] In the previous movie we used the Android virtual device manager to create a pixel 3 virtual device. We can use this to test down to our Android apps without having to have the Android hardware immediately available to us. Obviously, if you are developing for a particular Android device or a particular Android platform, you want to try to make sure that you have as many devices available to you because testing on an actual device is the best case scenario for knowing how your game will perform. A simulator can't always really help by giving you an indication about performance but it can't help you make adjustments for screen sizes and the position of user interface elements. So I'm going to select the pixel 3 version that we created here. And to launch the simulator. So you can hit play on the toolbar. When you do this, it may appear slightly larger than the recording window in my case. But when the…
