From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Why’s what?

Why’s what?

Growing up. 2 My dad worked for a company called Bama pie. 3 Bam. 4 A pie began when the CEO's grandmother, Cornelius, Alabama Marshall baked 5 and sold sweet potato pies that she made from her kitchen in the 1920s 6 during the great depression Ms. 7 Bama and her family began selling these pies door to door. 8 And this is how the bam up high company was. 9 Today, this company makes desserts and goods for fast food giants, 10 like McDonald's and pizza hut. 11 As a young kid, not even an employee of the company. 12 I knew the story of my dad's work. 13 I also knew the values of the company. 14 It was on the shirt that I got each year at band like kids, camp 15 people, helping people be successful. 16 I'm a grown adult now. 17 And my dad no longer works at BMO PI, but their mission and their history and 18 their culture and their stories were so powerful and so strong that they will 19 stay with me for the rest of my life. 20 And…
