From the course: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Selling on LinkedIn

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Measuring success on LinkedIn

Measuring success on LinkedIn

Imagine you've spent the past 90 days creating an awesome LinkedIn profile. You've been curating and creating content that you feel is going to resonate with your audience, and you're starting to see traction on your profile. But how do you know if what you're doing is actually working? And more importantly, how do you know where adjustments and optimization should take place? I want to share with you how to begin with the end in mind so you'll not only know what metrics you should be tracking, but how to set them up and make them actionable for you. First, brainstorm what goals you're trying to achieve. If you're ready to start social selling, but you're not totally sure where to start, setting attainable worthy goals are important. You don't want to discourage yourself by putting your goals too far out of reach, but you also don't want them to be too easy to reach because it won't help you push for the bigger, better results over time. As with all marketing campaigns, you want your…
