From the course: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Selling on LinkedIn

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Mastering the basic features

Mastering the basic features

“In this new world we're living in today, everything is changing. And Sales Navigator really solves for that. It has all of that real time information for you.” “LinkedIn Sales Navigator helped me close one of the largest deals in our company's history, valued at over $500,000. I would definitely recommend LinkedIn Sales Navigator!” These quotes were from a worldwide industry leader and a local small business in Alabama, explain the impact that Sales Navigator has had on their business. Let that encourage you that no matter how big or small your business currently is, Sales Nav is built to help you scale your business from exactly that point. The tool is available as part of a subscription package on LinkedIn's website. There are two high level ways you can benefit from Sales Navigator. First, its integrations will make your marketing efforts seamless. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a tool that gives you access and that allows you to connect with over 800 million users, but more…
