Charles Weill

Charles Weill

New York, New York, Birleşik Devletler
500+ bağlantı


CreatorML uses machine learning to tell YouTube creators what…


Tüm faaliyetleri görmek için hemen katılın


  • CreatorML (YC W23) Grafik

    CreatorML (YC W23)

    Manhattan, New York, United States

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    Manhattan, New York, United States

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    New York City

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    New York City



  • Data Structures and Algorithms

    CS 2110

  • Databases

    CS 5320

  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    CS 4820

  • Embedded Systems

    CS 3420

  • Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

    CS 4700

  • Functional Programming

    CS 3110

  • Intermediate Web Programming

    CS 2300

  • Large Scale Information Systems

    CS 5300

  • Machine Learning


  • Operating Systems Lecture

    CS 4410

  • Operating Systems Practicum

    CS 4411


  • AdaNet: Fast and Flexible AutoML with Learning Guarantees

    - Halen

    AdaNet is a lightweight and scalable TensorFlow AutoML framework for training and deploying adaptive neural networks using the AdaNet algorithm [Cortes et al. ICML 2017]. AdaNet combines several learned subnetworks in order to mitigate the complexity inherent in designing effective neural networks.

    Introduced in the Google AI Research blog:

    Tümünü gör
  • Gotests

    - Halen

    Gotests makes writing Go tests easy. It's an open source Golang commandline tool that generates table driven tests based on its target source files' function and method signatures. Any new dependencies in the test files are automatically imported.

    Tümünü gör


  • English

    Ana dil veya ikinci dil yetkinliği

  • French

    Ana dil veya ikinci dil yetkinliği

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