Export Talent Insights reports

Last updated: 10 months ago

You can export your Talent Pool or Company Report in LinkedIn Talent Insights.

Who can use this feature?

Staffing users can only export modules and don't have the option to export a full report at this time. All module exports will have a watermark to prevent misuse of data.

To export a Talent Pool or Company Report:
  1. Click Export in the top-right corner of the report.

  2. Enter a name in the Name your report field.

  3. Select the format. Choose between PDF or XLS.
  4. Select the box next to each report module you’d like added to your report. You can select one or more options.

    Click the Dropdown icon to the right of each module for a more detailed list of the data available.

  5. Click Export.
Your report will download to your computer, where you can save, print, and share the report.
You can also export one report module at a time. To export a single report module:
  1. Select a module tab at the top of the report.

    • On the Talent Pool Report, you can choose from Location, Company, Titles, Skills, Industry, Education, Employer brand, and Profiles.
    • On the Company Report, you can choose from Location, Talent flow, Titles, Skills, Attrition, Education, Profiles, and Gender.
  2. Click the More icon in the upper right corner of the module and select Export PDF or Export XLS from the dropdown.

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