Update email addresses in bulk in Account Center using CSV

Last updated: 3 weeks ago

If your organization needs to update the email addresses of a number of Sales Navigator users in Account Center, you can do so via CSV upload. 

When you update the email addresses of users in bulk, the welcome email is not sent to users. This welcome email is normally sent only to new users. Also, if a user hasn't previously accepted their invitation, they'll need to accept the invite and go through the onboarding process. But if a user has previously accepted the invitation, they won't have to go through the onboarding process again.

Important to know

Account Center is changing to People Management. When you sign in to Sales Navigator and click the Admin option, if you see the People tab, then you have access to the People Management experience. If you see the People tab, follow instructions in the New experience tab in this article. If you see Account Center in your Admin page, then follow instructions in the Existing experience tab in this article.

To update users' email addresses in bulk via CSV in Account Center:

  1. Sign in to Account Center, and click the People tab. 

  2. In the Users tab, click Manage users via CSV and select Download all users via CSV or Download filtered users via CSV (if you have a filtered user list) from the dropdown.

  3. In the subsequent screen, review the fields that are selected to be included in the CSV download for all users.

    Several fields are selected by default. If you need additional fields, you can search for and select them.

  4. Click Download CSV.

    A copy of your user list and customized fields will be exported. Open the CSV file using text editing software such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

  5. Open the CSV file and update the email addresses for each user in the Invited Email Address column.

  6. When all the updated emails have been entered, save the file as CSV file type and return to the People tab in Account Center. 

  7. From the Users tab, click Manage users via CSV, and select Upload CSV file from the dropdown.

  8. In the Upload CSV file window, click Upload CSV.

  9. Search for and select the CSV file from your system.

    The file begins to upload. A confirmation message stating that your upload is successful will appear when the upload process is complete and successful.

  10. You can verify the email address is updated by viewing a user's enterprise profile. You can also download a new CSV file to see verify all the users’ emails are updated.

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