Connect Your CRM to LinkedIn Sales Insights

Last updated: 3 years ago

Who can use this feature?

To sync your CRM, you must be both a CRM and Sales Insights full admin. 

When you sync your Salesforce/Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM with Sales Navigator, you can easily link your Sales Insights directly to the CRM and share data. Now, you can also connect your CRM directly with Sales Insights, without completing the CRM sync with Sales Navigator.

However, when you make the connection to Sales Insights directly, some Sales Navigator integration features won’t be available to you. To learn more about these features, click the guides for Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365.

To connect your CRM to LinkedIn Sales Insights:

  1. Sign in to Sales Insights. At the top right, click CRM: Not Connected

  2. In the CRM Integration pop-up that appears, click Settings.

  3. Click Manage to the right of Connection Details

  4. Read the information under Setup, then click Set up new instance.  

  5. Select Production or Sandbox, then click Login.

    Here's a tip

    At a time, you can only connect to one CRM environment, either Production or Sandbox. 

  6. In the Log into your CRM page, select your CRM, then click Login and enter your credentials. 

    Here's a tip

    For Salesforce CRM, you can click Edit to switch between Production and Sandbox. 

  7. Click Next: Install CRM app to enable writeback of your Sales Insights data to your CRM.

  8. Under Install Sales Insights app in Salesforce/Microsoft Dynamics, click the link to download the Salesforce/Microsoft Dynamics 365 app.

  9. After installing the app, view CRM: Salesforce/Microsoft Dynamics 365 at the top right of the page.

    A message appears that you’ve successfully installed your Sales Insights app in your CRM. 

  10. Click Finish and view settings.

Learn more about connecting your Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM with LinkedIn Sales Insights.