Hiring Manager role in Recruiter

Last updated: 7 months ago

As a Hiring Manager, you can share profiles for feedback with any LinkedIn user. You can also share profiles and projects directly with other users who have a Hiring Manager role on your Recruiter contract.

Important to know

The Hiring Manager role on LinkedIn Recruiter consists of the Hiring Collaborator license. Additionally, the project-level permissions dictate what Hiring Managers can do within a project. The Hiring Manager role in Recruiter Professional Services (RPS) contracts can only be given View Only Access to a project.

Users with a Hiring Manager role:

  • Can provide feedback on candidates in the Pipeline tab within a project at any time, without waiting for a feedback request.
  • Can provide feedback on candidates directly from an email notification.
  • Can filter candidates by feedback status (reviews requested and reviews given).
  • Can send messages to job applicants and talent campaign leads.
  • Can manage candidates within shared projects.
  • Can't access Recruiter search.
  • Can’t send messages to sourced candidates.
  • Can't post jobs.
  • Can't add or edit tags in the Recruiting Tools section of a candidate's profile.

Important to know

User access to features within specific projects is also determined by their assigned project-level permissions.

Here's a tip

To better secure your account, we encourage you to add a back-up admin by assigning admin permissions to a current or new user. You can assign admin permissions to users with the Hiring Manager role without using a paid license. This allows an additional user to manage your contract if you depart the company or go on extended leave.

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