InMail renewal and expiration process in Recruiter

Last updated: 6 months ago
Every LinkedIn Recruiter license comes with an allotted number of InMail credits each month. That number varies by the type of Recruiter account you have.

Your team will receive a new allotment of InMail credits once a month starting on the date your account was created. On the date your InMail credits refresh, any InMails over the account cap will expire. The account cap is four times your recruiter allotment. The total allotment of InMail credits you currently have will be based on any credits back from InMail responses and your monthly recruiter type allotment.

Important to know

Every InMail message that is accepted, declined, or responded to directly within 90 days of it being sent is credited back. A pending InMail message isn’t counted as either accepted or declined. As part of the LinkedIn messaging experience, Quick Replies to InMail messages also count as a response.

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