Ad accounts available for boosted LinkedIn Page posts

Last updated: 2 months ago
When you boost a post from a LinkedIn Page, a campaign will be created in an ad account associated with the LinkedIn Page.

Ad accounts are accessed through Campaign Manager, LinkedIn’s ad management tool that allows you to create, launch, and evaluate the performance of advertising campaigns. Each ad account can be associated with only one LinkedIn Page. Your user role on an ad account determines the actions you can take.

The ability to switch between ad accounts when you boost a post depends on the number of ad accounts associated with the LinkedIn Page that have Campaign Manager access or higher.

Number of ad accounts you have Campaign Manager
access or higher on and are associated with the
LinkedIn Page
Ad account options available when
boosting a post
None You won’t be able to select an ad account.

An ad account associated with this Page will be created when you boost the post. You’ll automatically have account manager and billing admin access on the ad account. You can also add billing information when boosting the post.
One You won’t be able to select an ad account.

The campaign with your boosted post will automatically be added to your ad account. If billing information is needed on the account, you’ll be able to add those details when boosting the post.
Two or more You’ll be able to select from multiple ad accounts with billing information.

While boosting the post, the campaign will be added to the ad account you select to have billed.

If you can’t select between ad accounts, check your user role and the billing information on the accounts. If an account status is On Hold, you can't select it when boosting a post.

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