Create event ads in Campaign Manager

Last updated: 2 months ago

After creating a LinkedIn Event, you can promote your event to a target audience with an event ad campaign. Create new event ads or sponsor existing posts with event URLs from your LinkedIn Page to increase event registrations.  

Who can use this feature?

You must have super admin, content admin, or Sponsored Content poster access on your ad account's Page and creative manager access or higher on your ad account to create an event ad.

Before creating an event ad, create a new campaign and select brand awareness, website visits, or engagement as the objective. You can also create new ads for an existing event ad campaign by editing your campaign.  

To add an event ad to your campaign, you can either create a new ad or select a previously created ad by browsing existing content. 

Create a new ad

To create a new event ad: 

  1. Go to the Ads in this campaign page in Campaign Manager.  

    • New campaign - If you're creating a new campaign, you'll go to the Ads in this campaign page after selecting your campaign settings. 
    • Existing campaign - To add an ad to an existing campaign, you can edit the campaign to go to the Ads in this campaign page.  
  2. Click Create new ad

  3. Complete the following fields:  

    • Name this ad (optional) - Only visible in Campaign Manager.   
    • Introductory text (optional) - Content will appear above the image scraped for your event. 
    • LinkedIn event URL - Add the URL for your LinkedIn event. URLs for Live Events are not accepted. 
  4. Preview the ad on the right side of the page.   

    • An image of your LinkedIn Event will be used as your ad. 
    • Mobile previews are currently generic and don’t display an accurate preview of your ad.  
  5. Click the Save ad button in the lower-right corner.  

    • Ensure the Add to campaign checkbox is selected to add your new ad to the current campaign. 

Browse existing content

To select a previously created event ad: 

  1. Go to the Ads in this campaign page in Campaign Manager.  

    • New campaign - If you're creating a new campaign, you'll go to the Ads in this campaign page after selecting your campaign settings. 
    • Existing campaign - To add an ad to an existing campaign, you can edit the campaign to go to the Ads in this campaign page.  
  2. Click the Browse existing content button. 

  3. Select the checkboxes to the left of the ads you’d like to add to your campaign. 

    • Ads are sorted by most recently created. You can use the search bar to find ads by name. 
    • You can remove ads from the library of existing content by selecting the ad and clicking the Remove from library button in the lower-right corner. 
  4. Click the Sponsor button in the lower-right corner. 

After creating or selecting ads for your campaign, you can:

  • Duplicate, preview, edit, manage tracking, or remove an ad by clicking the More icon to the right of the ad.   
  • Choose your ad rotation options by clicking the Gear icon to the right of Ads in this campaign

When you’re ready, you can launch your new campaign or save changes to an existing campaign. Your ads will be reviewed and, if approved, are displayed based on your campaign settings. 

Here's a tip

Only Page super and content admins can disable, delete, or reply to comments as the Page on your event ads.

After your event ad campaign delivers impressions to your target audience, you’ll be able to view the number of event registrations attributed to your ads in the reporting dashboard in Campaign Manager. Select the columns Performance or Conversions & Leads, or create your own custom view, to view event registrations.  

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