Campaign group status definitions in Campaign Manager

Last updated: 2 months ago

The status of a campaign group indicates if the ad campaigns within the group can display impressions. You can also filter which campaign groups you’re viewing by status. 

Campaign group status Definition
Active Your campaign group is active and approved ads in active campaigns can display impressions.
Draft Your campaign group hasn't been activated yet. Campaigns can’t be launched in this group until the status is changed to active. 
Paused All campaigns in the campaign group cannot display impressions, regardless of individual campaign statuses.
Completed The end date of your campaign group has been reached. Campaigns can be launched in the group but won’t display impressions until a new campaign group end date has been set. 
Archived No campaigns can be launched in an archived campaign group. Any active campaigns will stop displaying impressions when the campaign group status is set to archived. 
Deleted The campaign group has been deleted. Once a campaign group has been deleted, the action can't be reversed. When you delete a campaign group, all campaigns and ads in that group are deleted. 
Not delivering - Group budget reached The campaigns in your group can’t display impressions because the group budget has been reached. Increase the campaign group budget to allow campaigns to run. 
Not delivering - Scheduled The campaigns in your group can’t display impressions because the campaign group start date hasn’t been reached yet. Campaigns in the group will start running once the start date is reached. 
Not delivering - Account on hold The campaigns in your group can’t display impressions. Campaigns within the group can start running once the hold is removed. 

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