Control your Public LinkedIn Profile

Last updated: 6 months ago

Manage your public profile information

Control what sections of your public profile appear when people search for you on search engines.

Edit public profile sections
You can set limits on how much information is displayed to LinkedIn members and people who aren’t signed in to LinkedIn by editing your public profile settings.
Important: After you make changes or edits to your public profile, it can take several weeks or months for search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing to detect changes and refresh. LinkedIn doesn’t control that refresh process, if you’re incorrectly appearing in search results on those sites, you can contact them directly to resolve incorrect search results.
To control your public profile settings from your desktop:
  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage, then click View profile.
  2. Click Edit public profile & URL on the right side of the page.
  3. To hide your profile from public view, toggle Your profile’s public visibility to Off.
  4. To hide specific settings, toggle the specific settings to Off to hide that information from your public profile. Changes are saved automatically.
To control your public profile settings from the LinkedIn mobile app:
  1. Tap your profile photo.
  2. Tap Settings, then Visibility and Edit your public profile.
  3. To hide your profile from public view, toggle Your profile’s public visibility to Off.
  4. To hide specific settings, toggle the specific settings to Off to hide that information from your public profile. Changes are saved automatically.
Note: Even if your profile is set to public, people who aren't LinkedIn members may be prompted to sign up or sign in to LinkedIn to view parts of your public profile.
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