

E-Learning Providers

The world's largest web developer site

About us

📗 We create simplified and interactive learning experiences. W3Schools is on a mission to make learning available for everyone - everywhere! Ready to learn smarter? Check out W3Schools Pathfinder 💚 https://www.w3schools.com/pathfinder/pathfinder_goals.php Visit our educational website and learn how to code for free. 💡 Content includes tutorials and references relating to; HTML CSS JavaScript SQL Python Java PHP How To W3.CSS C C++ C# Bootstrap React MySQL jQuery Excel XML Django NumPy Pandas Node.js R TypeScript Angular Git PostgreSQL MongoDB ASP AI Go Kotlin Sass Vue DSA Gen AI SciPy AWS Cybersecurity Data Science

E-Learning Providers
Company size
11-50 employees
Privately Held
education, edutech, edtech, web development, digital, coding, developer, learn to code, learning, web developer, tutorials, tech, upskilling, reskilling, HTML, CSS, Javascript, python, data science, machine learning, SQL, school, technology, and code


Employees at W3Schools.com


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    Creating a portfolio is key to showcasing your professional journey. Here's a quick guide to help you stand out: 1️⃣ Hero Section: First impressions matter! Your hero section should clearly convey what you offer, why someone should work with you, and the value you provide. 2️⃣ About Me Section: Keep it short and sweet. Share your education, work experience, and interests. Highlight your passions and superpowers – the things you excel at! 3️⃣ Projects Section: Showcase your projects in a logical order, ideally by date. Add pictures and details about your role and contributions. Highlight the projects you’re most proud of. 4️⃣Contact Me Section: Make it easy for people to reach you. Include your contact details and links to your profiles on GitHub, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. Good luck! 🚀 #Portfolio #Career #ProfessionalDevelopment #JobSearch #W3Schools

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    View profile for Thomas Thorsell-Arntsen, graphic

    CEO @ W3Schools Network | Leading a global online learning platform

    Licenses and purchasing models can be tricky. Do you overpay for the actual usage of the services? Oslo Municipality is now moving the innovation bar for purchasing of digital learning resources. Their answer is the Bruk portal, a purchasing portal with a consumption-based model. They only pay for the number of times the students log in and their actual usage of the applications on the platform. Fun fact. Bruk is the Norwegian word for Use. This is a step in the right direction, and I love that they dare to think differently as a municipality. I hope to see more like this in the future! The pre-runner for this has been a project with KS (Kommunesektorens interesseorganisasjon) with pilot projects, resulting in Oslo Municipality moving forward with this. W3Schools will be delivering Classroom services to students and teachers through Bruk, and we are super excited to be a part of this. The Bruk portal will be live at the start of August, and we are ready. Stay tuned.

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    Code with C# 🚀 C# is a flexible programming language used to make apps, games, and web services for both computers and mobile devices. It works on different devices, so developers can write code that runs smoothly everywhere. C# has strong tools for creating complex apps, prevents many errors, and manages memory automatically for a smooth development experience. Benefits of Learning C#: ✔️ Works on different devices ✔️Can create many types of software ✔️Code can be reused ✔️High demand in the tech industry ✔️Helps prevent errors #C# #Programming #TechSkills #W3Schools #LearnToCode #tech #technology #coding #webdev

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    View profile for Thomas Thorsell-Arntsen, graphic

    CEO @ W3Schools Network | Leading a global online learning platform

    We are hiring a Senior UI/UX Designer for our team. Do you want to join us in our quest to make learning available to everyone—everywhere? Join us in helping millions of people every week. You will preferably be part of our core team in Sandnes, Norway. However, we will review and evaluate all applicants. We are looking for the right person. This role is for those who want to participate in a high-performance scaleup with a culture of direct communication. You understand how things work fast and can translate your ideas into concepts with short deadlines. You are genuinely interested in technology and simplification and have a latent web developer in you. The designer we are looking for has 3+ years of experience and a passion for creating great, easy-to-understand user experiences. If this sounds fun and motivating, leave us an application. Make sure to include your portfolio. You can make a difference with us; millions of people will use your work.

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    🚀 Power Your Website or App with Back-End Development! 🔍 What is Back-End Development? Back-end development involves building and maintaining the behind-the-scenes components of a website or application, ensuring it functions properly and integrates seamlessly with the front-end. 👨💻 What Do Back-End Developers Do? Back-end developers work with a wide range of technologies including: ✔Programming languages ✔Databases ✔Servers ✔Application frameworks 🔧 Why is Back-End Development Critical? A robust back-end infrastructure is essential for: Ensuring a secure, reliable, and scalable website or application. Handling large data volumes and traffic while maintaining data security. 🌟 Key Contributions of Back-End Developers: They create a well-designed infrastructure to ensure fast and reliable access to the data required for an optimal front-end experience. #backend #developers #coding #dev #programming #webdev #backenddeveloper #tech #technology

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    View profile for Thomas Thorsell-Arntsen, graphic

    CEO @ W3Schools Network | Leading a global online learning platform

    I started in W3Schools 4 years ago. Back then, the world was different. Did you know that W3Schools has been changing too? Now, we are about to make the lives of educators and teachers easier. Many teachers and educators use our services in their classrooms. They have been asking for a tool to help them administer their students and give them practical experience with coding. At W3Schools, we value your feedback. In response to your requests, we've developed a set of new features. We're excited to announce that soon, teachers can access a dashboard to manage student groups and track their progress. This, combined with the adaptive learning from Pathfinder, will provide a personalized experience for both students and teachers. W3Schools Classroom features will cater to both students and teachers. We are making learning as a group experience on W3Schools fun and engaging. Educators will never have to reinvent the wheel again to prepare for next year's class. Additionally, to give you a better understanding of our offerings, we have added an intro movie on YouTube. Check it out.

    • Teacher and Student Introduction to W3Schools.com movie on YouTube. Frontpage.
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    We are all in for making all web pages useable to every user! 🥳 When you prioritize web accessibility in your development work, you're making your web pages usable for all users and ensuring a positive user experience, regardless of their device settings or disabilities. 💚 Upon consideration of your design, ensure proper contrast, size of elements, and functionality. Ensure every user can comfortably navigate your web page without confusion. 🧩 Learn more about the diversity of abilities and how to make your web pages suitable for all users! ✨ What are your best tips for making your web page accessible? Share your tips in the comments below! 👀 #w3schools #development #education #accessibility #programming #learning #webdevelopment #technology #code

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