Pacifica Continental

Pacifica Continental

Business Consulting and Services

Miami, Flórida 274,356 followers

Connecting Organizations to Outstanding Talent

About us

Pacifica Continental is a global recruitment firm specialized in strategic positions such as board members, c-suites, senior and middle management. Our customized solutions and consultative approach ensure the selection of the best talent in the market. Our operations have reached more than 50 countries, including more than 250 cities worldwide. We pride ourselves on working with precision and knowledge in a wide range of industries. Always committed to the continuous acquisition of industry knowledge, we partner with a large number of multinational and local companies. By developing a strong interface between our operations, we offer global solutions with a local focus. We adapt our strategy to meet the needs of each client, driving business growth, supporting them in their internal strengthening and overcoming adversities. Working with the utmost precision and expertise, we offer specialized recruitment services, market mapping, assessment projects and temporary recruitment.

Business Consulting and Services
Company size
51-200 employees
Miami, Flórida
Privately Held
Specialized Recruitment, Market Mapping, Executive Search, Assessment, Recruiting Services, Leadership and Talent Consulting, Leadership Development, CEO Search, Executive Assessment, Talent Acquisition, Assessment & Succession, C-levels, Recruiting, and Culture Advisory


Employees at Pacifica Continental


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    At Pacifica Continental, our mission is to connect outstanding talents to big organizations organizations. We apply this mission through the sponsorship of athletes who exemplify dedication and excellence. A shining example is Yuri, a young athlete of just 10 years old. Recently, Yuri secured first place in the international Ibjjf championship and was the runner-up in the Nogi South American championship by Sjjsaf. His dedication and outstanding performance embody the values that Pacifica Continental supports and celebrates. We are proud to be a part of Yuri's journey and look forward to seeing him achieve even greater heights in the future. #pacificaculture #sports

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    Deseja ser avisado de candidatos incríveis, segmentados de acordo com a sua indústria, tamanho e momento de empresa? A Continental entrevista e conhece dezenas de candidatos todos os dias e selecionamos apenas os melhores para serem enviados para nossos clientes e potenciais parceiros. Assim, se você deseja ser notificado quando encontrarmos algum talento que está buscando uma nova oportunidade de trabalho, se cadastre em nosso website:

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    "I work in the BI area at Pacífica. For me, this opportunity represents a significant growth and change in my professional career, as it is my first experience working as a data analyst. The teamwork and positive environment that are part of Pacífica’s culture allow me to explore a different area for me and continue developing. These differences in the team are always valued, as I can provide insights for the business from another point of view. This is one of the company's strengths: capitalizing on the diversity in the knowledge and experiences of its resources. Working at Pacífica Continental gives me the opportunity to grow alongside professionals from different countries, enriching myself with their cultures and our diverse perspectives. Additionally, I won’t deny that traveling to Rio de Janeiro is a very nice bonus!" Nadia Mavric, BI Analyst in the Argentina's office. #PacificaCulture

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    ¿Le gustaría ser notificado sobre candidatos increíbles, adaptados a su industria, tamaño de empresa y etapa actual del negocio? En Pacifica Continental, entrevistamos y conocemos a decenas de candidatos todos los días, seleccionando solo a los mejores para enviarlos a nuestros clientes y socios potenciales. Por lo tanto, si desea ser notificado cuando encontremos talentos que están buscando una nueva oportunidad laboral, regístrese en nuestro sitio web!

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    Would you like to be notified about incredible candidates, tailored to your industry, company size, and current business stage? At Pacifica Continental, we interview and meet dozens of candidates every day, selecting only the best to be sent to our clients and potential partners. Therefore, if you wish to be notified when we find talent that is looking for a new job opportunity, please register on our website

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    Investing in leadership development is a strategic solution for any company that wants to prosper in the long term. Effective leaders play a critical role in organizational success. Therefore, developing internal leaders is a smart way to cultivate talent and ensure that the company is prepared to face the challenges of the constantly evolving business world. By following the steps above and committing to leadership development, companies can reap the benefits of improved performance, talent retention, and a positive company culture. Therefore, it is not just a wise choice, but a necessity for business success. At Pacifica, we offer assessment solutions to evaluate the profiles of companies' candidates and employees. Our in-depth and accurate assessments of professionals’ skills, aptitudes, and cultural fit assist in the hiring and development process of future leaders. Check out our solutions to learn more about how we can boost your company’s performance and sustainability: #linkedinnetworking #assessmentsolutions #assessment #recruitment #recruitmentsolutions

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    Delegar tarefas é uma arte que pode aumentar significativamente a produtividade e o engajamento da equipe. Para garantir que seja eficaz, é preciso adotar algumas atitudes fundamentais: Não tire o foco das suas prioridades: Ao delegar, mantenha sempre suas prioridades em mente. Confie na sua equipe, mas continue acompanhando os objetivos principais. Defina métricas claras para medir o desempenho: Estabeleça indicadores de desempenho claros e mensuráveis. Isso ajuda a equipe a entender o que se espera dela e permite avaliar o progresso de forma objetiva. Dê reconhecimento pelo trabalho: Reconhecer o esforço e os resultados da equipe permite manter a motivação alta. Celebre as conquistas e valorize o empenho de cada colaborador. Tenha uma rotina de feedback: Feedback constante é crucial para o desenvolvimento profissional. Crie um ambiente onde o feedback é regular e construtivo, ajudando a equipe a melhorar continuamente. Ao seguir essas práticas, você não apenas otimiza a delegação de tarefas, mas também promove um ambiente de trabalho mais colaborativo e eficiente. Entre em contato com o nosso time: #recrutamento #recursoshumanos #rh #curriculo #comunicação #linkedinnetworking

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    O papel do Chief Financial Officer está se transformando: Já pensou em ver o CFO não apenas como Chief Financial Officer, mas como Chief Future Officer? A nova era exige que os líderes financeiros ultrapassem a barreira da análise retrospectiva para se tornarem arquitetos do futuro. Não se trata mais apenas de relatar o que aconteceu, mas de moldar proativamente o que está por vir. O CFO tradicional, focado no financeiro, pode se encontrar preso em um ciclo de financiamento de deficiências operacionais, criando um ciclo vicioso de endividamento. Como Henry Ford astutamente observou, isso é como "tentar curar a ressaca com mais álcool" – uma solução temporária para um problema persistente. Em contrapartida, o CFO como Chief Future Officer vê o capital como uma matéria-prima valiosa, destinada a gerar valor, não a diluí-lo. A gestão criteriosa e a visão de futuro se tornam essenciais, transformando cada investimento em um passo calculado para o crescimento sustentável. A nova abordagem inclui uma análise meticulosa dos ciclos operacionais, uma gestão rigorosa dos custos fixos, e uma concessão de crédito que não só protege, mas também valoriza a empresa. O verdadeiro valor é encontrado na intersecção entre eficiência operacional e rentabilidade estratégica. O desafio está lançado: transformar o papel de CFO de um guardião de números em um visionário do futuro. É uma transição de reportar resultados para criar resultados, de financiar o presente para investir no amanhã. E você, como vê o papel do CFO em sua organização? Está pronto para abraçar essa evolução e se tornar um arquiteto do futuro financeiro da sua empresa?

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    Cultural fit plays a crucial role in recruitment, as it directly influences team dynamics, employee performance, and the overall culture of the organization. This importance stands out due to the direct impact it has on employee satisfaction and productivity. Candidates who align with the company culture adapt more quickly to the work environment, share similar values, and become an integral part of the team. This not only reduces conflicts and increases team cohesion but also contributes to greater job satisfaction and long-term talent retention. Moreover, cultural fit can enhance innovation and collaboration, essential factors for the success and competitiveness of organizations in today's market. Therefore, considering cultural alignment in recruitment is not only desirable but also essential for building strong teams and promoting a healthy and productive work environment. If you're seeking the best talents to align with your organizational culture, Pacifica Continental can help. Reach out to us to learn about our personalized recruitment services and discover how to find the ideal candidate for your team:

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