The HEINEKEN Company

The HEINEKEN Company

Food and Beverage Services

About us

HEINEKEN - the world's most international brewer. It is the leading developer and marketer of premium beer and cider brands. Led by the Heineken® brand, the Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and speciality beers and ciders. We are committed to innovation, long-term brand investment, disciplined sales execution and focused cost management. Through "Brewing a Better World", sustainability is embedded in the business and delivers value for all stakeholders. HEINEKEN has a well-balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in both developed and developing markets. We employ over 80,000 employees and operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries. Stay informed: Please enjoy our brands responsibly and only share our posts with those who are of legal drinking age.

Food and Beverage Services
Company size
10,001+ employees
Public Company


Employees at The HEINEKEN Company


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    2024 Heineken Young Scientists Awards Announced Kevin ten Haaf, Dr. Lorena De Vita, Casper van der Kooi, and Manon van Scheppingen have been named the Heineken Young Scientists Awards 2024 laureates. They are recognized for their exceptional research contributions, serving as inspirations for their peers. The awards, part of the prestigious Heineken Prizes, will be presented on Friday, September 27, 2024, at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Congratulations to all winners 💐 Read more:

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    Щастливи сме да споделим, че ЗАГОРКА сме сред 100-те най-добри работодатели в България за 2024 г. според ежегодния индекс на Career Show „Топ 100 най-добри работодатели в България“. Индексът цели да открои компаниите, постигнали отличия за резултатите си в развитието на човешките ресурси и работната среда в България. Това е още едно признание за добрите практики, които имаме като компания и за положените усилия в посока изграждане на нашата работодателска марка. Ще продължим да работим усилено да затвърдим още повече водещите си позиции като добър работодател и заедно да подкрепяме Доброто Тук. #Zagorka #Загорка #zagorkatogether #ZagorkapartofHEINEKEN #employerbranding #TheGoodHere

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    Celebrating True Togetherness on Sustainable Gastronomy Day Today, on Sustainable Gastronomy Day, we're thrilled to celebrate the power of food and drink to connect us and inspire the joy of #TrueTogetherness. At HEINEKEN, we are proud to collaborate with the Social Gastronomy Movement to bring our Worlds Together Campaign to life, with activities taking place in over 16 countries this year. Sustainable Gastronomy means cuisine that considers where the ingredients come from, how the food is grown, and how it reaches our tables. Additionally, it is about sustaining the vital connections and trust built through the shared experience of gastronomy. Social gastronomy is about the power of food to build connections. Through Worlds Together, we aim to use food and beer as a universal language to bring people from all walks of life together. Here are some ways in which food and beer can break barriers and build bridges: 1. Cultural Exchange: Food and beer allow us to experience different cultures in a tangible way, promoting understanding, respect, and curiosity. 2. Finding Common Ground: Sharing a meal or enjoying a drink creates a sense of familiarity and shared experiences, breaking down cultural boundaries and bringing people closer. 3. Creating Community: Coming together over food and drink strengthens the sense of community, fostering a desire to support and invest in local communities. 4. Promoting Dialogue: Food and beer are universal, making them natural conversation starters, and allowing meaningful discussions and connections to form. To learn more about the campaign check out our recap video from last year's pilot! Join us in celebrating Sustainable Gastronomy Day by reflecting on how we can use food and drink as tools for building bridges and promoting #TrueTogetherness. Let's raise our glasses today to a more inclusive, connected society and a healthier planet! #WorldsTogether #TrueTogetherness #SustainableGastronomyDay #SocialGastronomy

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    A început Săptămâna Națională a Testării Consumului Personal de Alcool –Săptămâna AUDIT. Între 17 și 23 iunie, românii sunt invitați să completeze chestionarul AUDIT - un instrument științific dezvoltat de Organizația Mondială a Sănătății - online, pe platforma, sau în cele peste 300 de centre de testare organizate în țară. Răspunzând la cele 10 întrebări ale chestionarului AUDIT, adulții pot afla pe loc riscurile asociate consumului personal de alcool și primesc recomandările specialiștilor. De 15 ani, împreună cu organizația Aliat pentru Sănătate Mintală, promovăm consumul responsabil de alcool. Împreună, am dezvoltat Alcohelp - singurul program din țară care include mai multe tipuri de intervenții în domeniul consumului problematic de alcool. Testarea națională, aflată deja la cea de-a cincea ediție, este una dintre inițiativele din program și facilitează diagnosticarea timpurie a unui consum riscant.   Această campanie susține adresarea consumului nociv de alcool, una dintre direcțiile prioritare ale strategiei noastre de sustenabilitate, Brew a Better World, pilonul Responsible. Sperăm la cât mai multe înscrieri în #SăptămânaAudit și anul acesta, așa că...sharing is caring. 😊   #BrewABetterWorld2030 #AdressHarmfulUse #SaptamanaAUDIT #ResponsibleConsumption

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    A început Săptămâna Națională a Testării Consumului Personal de Alcool –Săptămâna AUDIT. Între 17 și 23 iunie, românii sunt invitați să completeze chestionarul AUDIT - un instrument științific dezvoltat de Organizația Mondială a Sănătății - online, pe platforma, sau în cele peste 300 de centre de testare organizate în țară. Răspunzând la cele 10 întrebări ale chestionarului AUDIT, adulții pot afla pe loc riscurile asociate consumului personal de alcool și primesc recomandările specialiștilor. De 15 ani, împreună cu organizația Aliat pentru Sănătate Mintală, promovăm consumul responsabil de alcool. Împreună, am dezvoltat Alcohelp - singurul program din țară care include mai multe tipuri de intervenții în domeniul consumului problematic de alcool. Testarea națională, aflată deja la cea de-a cincea ediție, este una dintre inițiativele din program și facilitează diagnosticarea timpurie a unui consum riscant.   Această campanie susține adresarea consumului nociv de alcool, una dintre direcțiile prioritare ale strategiei noastre de sustenabilitate, Brew a Better World, pilonul Responsible. Sperăm la cât mai multe înscrieri în #SăptămânaAudit și anul acesta, așa că...sharing is caring. 😊   #BrewABetterWorld2030 #AdressHarmfulUse #SaptamanaAUDIT #ResponsibleConsumption

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    Introducing the Updated Brew a Better World 2030 Goals For almost 160 years, we’ve been passionate about making a positive impact on the world. In April 2021 we launched our renewed sustainability strategy to drive progress towards a net zero, fairer, and more balanced world. We are now three years into developing and executing our Brew a Better World (BaBW) 2030 strategy and we can be proud of the results that we have achieved so far. From reducing our absolute carbon emissions across the value chain to increasing the percentage of women in senior management roles and growing the number of markets where we have a zero-alcohol option available, sustainability is being embedded in how we operate. And we know we still have more to do. Reflecting on our learnings, we’ve refined our approach and updated our BaBW goals to better address the progress. Here’s a quick overview of what’s changed:  • Added new goals on carbon and circularity. • Amended goals with a 2023 due date or where emphasis has changed. • Removed goals that were substantially reached, no longer required the same focus, or had open-ended statements. • Repositioned goals under different pillars for better coherence. This update sharpens our focus to drive better impact for the environment, society and our business. We'll continue to raise the bar on environmental and social sustainability, and to champion responsible consumption. For more information please check out our BaBW strategy booklet on the website: Together, we can #BrewABetterWorld

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    In 2024, it will be 60 years since Alfred Heineken introduced the very first Heineken Prize: the Dr H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics. On this special anniversary edition, the jury has decided to nominate not one but two top scientists. Biochemists Ruedi Aebersold and Matthias Mann will be awarded the Dr H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics 2024. Read more:

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    This week is #LonelinessAwarenessWeek and while loneliness is a natural emotion and a typical human reaction to when our social needs are not being met, recent studies highlight if we don’t address those needs, it can start to affect our mental and physical health and can have a significant impact on us as individuals. 💡 James Crampton, Corporate Affairs Director for HEINEKEN UK, shares more on the impact of loneliness, what we're doing about it with our charity partner Marmalade Trust and how small talk can improve lives. 👇 #BrewABetterWorld #LonelinessAwarenessWeek #WorldsTogether #MarmaladeTrust #WeAreHEINEKEN

    Small talk improves lives

    Small talk improves lives

    James Crampton on LinkedIn

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    HEINEKEN is committed to only marketing our products to those adults who wish to engage with us. We are working together, alongside our fellow International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD) members, to further strengthen standards of responsibility for alcohol beverage advertising on digital channels worldwide, supporting UN goals to tackle the harmful use of alcohol. Find out more about this new global partnership and our commitments to enhancing age assurance for online marketing by visiting

    New global partnership: digital platforms and leading beer, wine, and spirits brands unite to enhance age assurance for online alcohol marketing – International Alliance for Responsible Drinking

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    Raising the BARley: HEINEKEN's First Large-Scale Regenerative Agriculture Harvest in Europe 🌾 More than 200 farmers in North-East France have already joined forces to cultivate barley using regenerative practices thanks to the TRANSITIONS program led by VIVESCIA and its malt subsidiary Malteurop. This number is expected to grow to 1,000 farmers by 2026, covering 100,000 hectares of land. Regenerative agriculture is aligned with our goal to reduce scope 3 carbon emissions and move towards net-zero in our value chain by 2040. Its benefits also go beyond carbon: by focusing on soil health, biodiversity, climate, and water resources, our aim is not only to lower our environmental impact but also to contribute to improve farmers' livelihood. We are proud to be part of this innovative coalition - from farmers and cooperatives, to transformers and the food & beverage companies. Our ambition is to replicate regenerative agriculture projects of this scale in other regions in the world from where we source our grains. Read more: Together, we can #BrewABetterWorld 🍻

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