

Marketing Services

Brooklyn, New York 6,951 followers

Scale your business at 10x with Al-Assisted SEO.

About us

Scale your business with AI-Assisted SEO. Marketing 2.0 is here. Build hyper-relevant, organic traffic at 10x the speed.

Marketing Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Brooklyn, New York
Privately Held
SEO and AI


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Employees at Gushwork


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    Big thanks to Aparajita S. for acknowledging us! 🙌 No one should have to work through pain; it's not a choice. Implementing a menstrual leave policy is the least we could do to foster a compassionate and supportive work environment. Let's commit to making our workplaces more inclusive and considerate. #menstrualleavepolicy

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    Copywriter @ Gushwork

    Let's talk FLOW (Not WORK) 🩸 15 days in at Gushwork, and it's time I acknowledge their menstrual leave policy. Gushwork is breaking the taboo and offering menstrual leave as part of their policy. A HUGE shoutout to Nayrhit B for championing this amazing initiative! This isn't just about cramps; it's about acknowledging that biology doesn't stop for deadlines. Thanks, Gushwork, for fostering an environment where well-being is a priority, and understanding that #periods are normal. #genderequality #wellbeingatwork P.S. Want a workplace that respects your biology, psychology, and your hustle? Write to [email protected] to apply NOW! 🌟

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    Is SEO the right go-to-market channel for your business? How much relevant traffic will you actually be driving if you start focusing on SEO? Those are million-dollar questions and it costs us $50 just to answer that for you. But we're doing those traffic estimation analyses for FREE for a limited time only! You can get a free relevant traffic estimate for your website to see the SEO potential. Just comment on this post or DM Ninad Deshpande to get a free estimate! #marketing #website #traffic #seo

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    Growth & Ops @Gushwork | Experience AI-assisted SEO

    Should you even do SEO? After evaluating 150+ customers globally, and driving 11M impressions and 280k monthly website traffic for them, we've identified absolute must-haves to drive organic growth via Search Engine Optimization. Relevant traffic for your business: This is the #1 thing you should focus on. How many searches per month does your niche have? How many of them are relevant to you? If you add quality content, how much traffic are you going to get per quarter? To answer this, we've built an in-house Relevant Traffic Estimator Here's how it works: 1/ Our GPT model analyzes your website, pages, and current content to understand your target audience, geography, and offerings. 🌍📊 2/ We generate keywords relevant to your business, organizing them into "pillars" with monthly search volumes and competitive difficulty. 🔑📈 3/ Based on keyword competitiveness, the model assigns industry click-through rates, calculates traffic per posted content, and provides estimated traffic per quarter. 📊🚀 This estimator helps you understand your relevant Total Addressable Market (TAM), the realistic traffic you can attract, and the expected conversion rates according to your industry standards. I'm currently offering access to the output in the form of Google Sheets at no cost! DM me or comment below – whatever suits you better. I’ll need the following info: - Your work email (to share the output) - Your website URL ( Please expect a TAT of 24h as I'll be running this manually for each request. Of course, you should also ensure the following: 1/ You have a website 😄 2/ You have the bandwidth/team to execute the content 3/ You have a tech team to manage tech SEO 4/ You have SEO as one of your growth channels, not the only one

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    We're #Hiring a Founding Sales Account Executive in Bengaluru, India!

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    Building Gush (Backed by Lightspeed) - Helping businesses increase their organic traffic!

    Hiring a Rockstar Founding Sales Account Executive! To me, a great sales person can articulate the value of a product or service very clearly to their prospect. Honestly explain how it can solve a customer’s pain point. I am the only sales guy on the team right now & looking for someone who can do this 10x better than me. A little bit about us: - We are growing damn fast and are emerging as one of the largest publishers of authentic, human content on web in the world. - We also recently became one of the largest SEO & content agencies in the world by # of customers. - We are spearheading the massive transition of outcome-as-a-service from software-as-a-service in the age of AI! - Adding 15-20 businesses every month. - Growing organic traffic on 60+ websites actively in 5 months since launch - Publishing 4000+ high-quality human blog pages every month across sites - A team of 100+ writers & SEO managers assisted with our AI agents - Generating a collective monthly traffic of 5+ million across multiple small business websites! DM me on Linkedin or reach out on [email protected], if you are someone: - who loves building meaningful, deep relationships with customers. - who loves closing fast-paced, 2-3 day sales cycle SMB deals. - who has been in hyper-growth B2B companies in their 1 to n journey. - who loves to work in a small team of high-performing individual contributors. - who loves to set lofty targets for themselves.

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  • Gushwork reposted this

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    While viral hits offer instant attention, they fade fast. Gushwork Co-Founder and CEO Nayrhit B suggests integrating both SEO efforts and viral UGC to ensure sustainable growth beyond viral spikes.

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    Building Gush (Backed by Lightspeed) - Helping businesses increase their organic traffic!

    1 viral reel can make all your SEO efforts look tiny in comparison. But there's a BIG catch - that viral success is damn near impossible to sustain unless you've really cracked the code on it. Making lightning strike twice is tough. The reality for most #D2C businesses is that #SEO and viral #UGC channels need to co-exist and complement each other: - SEO is the slow burn that takes some time to get going. But once it starts compounding, that traffic just keeps growing with very little decay. - Viral UGC is the exact opposite. When you nail it, you get a massive spike literally overnight. But then engagement falls off a cliff just as quickly. While that one viral reel might make you feel like a #growth god for a moment, the wiser play is to treat it as a nice bonus on top of your consistent SEO grind. That way, when the viral high fades, you're not left scrambling. The SEO engine keeps churning out sustainable, compounding growth month after month. Both channels can be powerful revenue drivers for D2C brands when you can make them work together!

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