How to Fix a Wdf01000.sys Error in Windows

This common Windows error is simple to fix, once you understand it

Seeing the wdf01000.sys error in Windows might be frustrating. However, fixing it is simple to do once you understand why it happens. Here's what wdf01000.sys is, how it goes wrong, and how to fix it when you encounter the error.

The troubleshooting tips in this article apply to Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7.

What Is wdf01000.sys?

Wdf01000.sys is a driver for Windows, part of what Microsoft calls the Windows Driver Framework. When it works properly, you don't realize it's in use. All current users of Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7 will likely find at least some reference to wdf01000.sys in their systems.

How Does wdf01000.sys Cause Errors?

This could be for any number of reasons, including outdated drivers on old equipment, malware downloaded by accident, and corrupted files. Plus, these errors can occur at any time, not only when booting up a program or plugging in a device, or might only happen when you perform specific actions.

While there are several ways the error can be listed, wdf01000.sys is usually in the text of the crash dump or error code, cited at the end of the error text.

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How to Fix wdf01000.sys Errors

The wdf01000.sys driver is a standard piece of software, and preventing or fixing the error is consistent across all Windows versions.

  1. Use System Restore. Restore the computer to a previous System Restore point and reinstall any new software or drivers you added. By restoring the system to an earlier time, you might strip away the update or code that caused the error.

  2. Reboot the computer. First, disconnect all devices. After the computer reboots, reconnect each device until the error recurs, then update that device's drivers. This helps isolate the driver that caused the error. While it might take extra time to check each component, it should take you right to the source of the problem.

  3. Scan for malware. When the scan completes, perform any repair actions required. Malware can cause all manner of errors and issues with a computer. A regular, deep malware scan could also prevent or stop many problems.

  4. Check for corrupted or outdated drivers. Use Device Manager to display the drivers installed on the computer. Corrupt and outdated drivers are highlighted with a yellow exclamation point. A damaged or obsolete driver causes this kind of issue, and updating the driver should stop the error and any problems associated with it.

  5. Repair Windows system files. Use the Windows System File Checker (SFC) to repair corrupted files. Corrupt files are as bad (or maybe worse) than outdated files. Damaged files on the system can cause errors and problems with other software on the system.

  6. Run Check Disk. This command scans for damaged files. Damaged files are similar to corrupt files, except that something is usually missing in a damaged file. In many cases, checking a system with Check Disk isolates and repairs these issues.

  7. Reregister wdf01000.sys. Use the System Registry to perform this task.

    Always locate the reinstallation files and backup the system before making changes to the registry. The registry is a complicated part of the Windows operating system, and making changes to the wrong thing can create more issues.

  8. Reinstall Windows. When all else fails, the nuclear option often stops the problem from happening again. When the reinstall completes, restore your files from a backup. Reinstalling Windows means that everything on the computer is erased, so be sure you have a current backup of your files and applications before you begin.

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