Joining forces to end modern slavery

Almost 50 million people live as slaves today. We’re a charity, committed to partnering with others to fight the crime - protecting communities, supporting survivors, pursuing those responsible and creating change at scale.

We work with the police to identify men, women and children trapped in modern slavery and support them to walk free. We provide specialist aftercare and journey with them on the road to recovery. Read more
We empower survivors to work with police and the judiciary to testify in court and ensure traffickers are brought to justice. Read more
We support vulnerable families and individuals within communities that are targeted by traffickers. We raise awareness of the issue, and help families become financially stable. Read more
We demonstrate what works on the ground and use our experience and evidence to empower governments and key stakeholders to bring about change at scale. We call this systemic change and it underpins all that we do. Read more
survivors freed
prosecutions supported
frontline professionals trained
vulnerable people educated

As featured in

Latest news

Punish the perpetrators of modern slavery, not the victims

We believe that the next Government has a unique opportunity and a duty to put things right.

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Survivor was ostracised from society after walking free but battled to become a Champion

‘I couldn’t go out anywhere as people weren’t accepting me in my community, they used to taunt me, say bad comments about me.'

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Online sexual abuse reaches epidemic levels in Philippines, harrowing new report finds

Urgent action must be taken as children's lives are destroyed by online sexual abuse and exploitation.

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Survivors benefiting from peer-led programme, new evaluation indicates

Our programme sees 20 Champion Survivors, who have received extensive aftercare support and gained experience as peer mentors, employed to work alongside our team as Aftercare Facilitators (ACFs).

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Donate today to help bring freedom

There are millions of people living in slavery today. Your support could help set someone free and bring those responsible to justice.


Award winning charity fighting human slavery