Turkish Information and Communication Technologies Authority, Internet Regulations Department, established in May 23, 2007 in accordance with the Law No. 5651 “Law on Regulation of Broadcasts via Internet and Prevention of Crimes Committed through Such Broadcasts”.
Due to this Law No: 5651, Turkey’s Internet Hotline (http://www.ihbarweb.org.tr) for reporting illegal content of internet, has been in service since November 23, 2007.
Turkey’s awareness website (http://www.guvenliweb.org.tr) has been active since 2008. Besides, our saferkid project, (http://www.guvenlicocuk.org.tr) will likely be accessible as of February, 2010.
In Turkey, "Internet Board" has been established as a consultation board which consists of public institutions, internet service providers and related non-governmental organization’s representatives. Our department holds the Secretariat position of the Board regarding ""Safer usage of Internet".
Our department has also close relations with the NGOs and other institutions in Turkey. In this respect, we work on studies to create the awareness of safer usage of the Internet in Turkey.
To create a safer Internet environment in Turkey:
Our vision is to make our targeted groups (children, teens and parents) aware of safer and responsible use of the Internet.
Our mission is to generalize the safe and responsible use of Internet through making all the safer internet activities known by public. Thus, non-governmental organizations and any other related parties would also be oriented to take further steps in this context.
Because of the borderless structure of the Internet, we give great importance to international cooperation and thus we follow the international developments closely. It is also important for us to contact with the experts to receive the valuable opinions in this area.