Education Portal

The ICMEC Global Educator Centre for Excellence and the International Task Force on Child Protection have joined forces to provide resources on how to prevent and respond to child abuse, neglect and sexual exploitation to ensure no child stands alone.

Report child sexual exploitation in any country to NCMEC’s CyberTipline at


Search your topic of inquiry or browse by scrolling down or using the menu at left.

Respond to an allegation or suspicion of abuse by CLICKING ON THE RESOURCE BELOW OR selecting Reporting & support from the menu ON THE LEFT.

Managing Allegation Protocol – a roadmap for school leaders in a crisis situation (ITFCP) 

Do’s and Don’ts of Receiving a Disclosure – one-pager (ITFCP)

New ITFCP Resources for School Communities

New ICMEC Resources


Take the green route.  On every page, the resource in green is a good place to start!

The International Task Force on Child Protection (ITFCP) is an initiative of the following founding members: Academy of International School Heads, Association for the Advancement of International Education, Council of British International Schools, Council of International Schools, ECIS, the Educational Collaborative for International Schools, International Schools Services, U.S. Department of State, Office of Overseas Schools.

Practicing Safeguarding in Online Learning Environments


Awareness & Prevention

What can parents and professionals do to better protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation, physical abuse and neglect?

Learn about potential indicators that a child may be at risk for abuse, or a child or adult may be at risk for offending. Use the resources below to discover answers to common questions and dispel myths.


What are the accreditation and inspection protocols for international schools?

Read more on exemplary practices schools should adopt to promote high levels of child protection, professional development and training for school leaders and staff, and regular reviews of child protection measures.

Curriculum Resources

How do you educate students about their rights, support caregivers, and promote pro-social norms and values?

All adults have a role to play in protecting children. Although the primary responsibility to protect children lies with adults, evidence indicates an effective abuse prevention curriculum informs children and youth of their rights, establishes boundaries, increases disclosure and reduces self-blame.

What's New

What's new to the Portal? What training is available in your region? Which topics and trends are in the news?

Discover new resources, identify the best in person and synchronous training options for staff, and learn about trending topics and models of good practice.

  1. Introduction
  2. Awareness & Prevention
  3. Policies & Procedures
  4. Accreditation
  5. Recruitment
  6. Reporting & Support
  7. Curriculum Resources
  8. What's New
  9. Sections