Value functions

A value function is a niladic function (that is, a function that has no arguments) that returns information about the system. You can use a value function wherever you can use a constant.

The following table lists and describes each value functions and whether its name is a reserved or non-reserved keyword. For more information about reserved and non-reserved keywords, see SQL common reserved words.
Table 1. Value functions
Function Description Netezza® SQL SQL-92
current_date The current system date. Reserved Reserved
current_time The current system time, to the nearest full second. Reserved Reserved
current_time(p) The current system time. The variable p represents a value in the range 0-6, and determines the number of decimal places for the seconds. Reserved Reserved
current_timestamp The current system date and time, to the nearest full second. Reserved Reserved
current_timestamp(p) The current system date and time. The variable p represents a value in the range 0-6, and determines the number of decimal places for the seconds. Reserved Reserved
current_catalog The current catalog. Reserved Reserved
current_user The current user. Reserved Reserved
session_user The session user. Reserved Reserved
current_db The name of the current database. Reserved Non-reserved
current_userid The user ID of the current user. Reserved Non-reserved
current_useroid The object ID of the current user. Reserved Non-reserved
now() The current system date and time, to the nearest full second.