Why there is no archive option in Google Spaces in Google Chat?

There is Delete the space option but we could use a archive system in Google Space. Is there any developments for this option?

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You might want to post this to the Feature Ideas section here. Doing so will allow it to be upvoted by others and possibly considered as a future feature enhancement.

If you do not already have access, you need to request it first. See https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/custom/page/page-id/Workspace-Feature-Ideas-FAQ#:~:text=How%... for how to do that.

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Bronze 2
Bronze 2

I am just discovering this now. I went to clean up our office's spaces for individual projects - and there was no way to archive or hide.  I looked for awhile assuming it must be there.  Deleting seems unwise as we do not want to lose information stored there, but we need to clear out the active spaces list some.

yes it is very un-Google to prefer deletion over archiving.  STrategic shift?

I've been trying to find a way to do this myself, or to find any kind of workaround. Did this ever get submitted to Feature Ideas? We need the completed projects saved for future sporadic reference but we need them out of the way once they're completed.

Any update/movement on this topic? Definitely quite the head-scratcher for sure... Very un-Googly lol 

Need this. Deleting is not an option. 

This seems like a no-brainer.  Projects end and new projects begin, why wouldn't there be an archive option?  At the very least, it can be floated to the UI team to just have a hide / show function which requires very very very very little work to accomplish.  A ten minute phone call between the DB admin and the UI team would do it.  This is so easy that they could code this while on the phone.

You might want to upvote the feature idea @fredrik_breitho posted above...

Agree.  My work flow would benefit the ability to archive.

Adding my vote. Not being able to archive is strangely shortsighted.

Any update to this request?

Waiting to join the list so I can vote, but sharing here why I'd like to see this feature. Our team has comments all over the place, including chat, email / groups, mockflow, figma, etc. I want to consolidate discussions (as much as make sense), but don't want a space to become overwhelmed with conversations that are discussion threads that have a specific topic and timeframe, nor make it hard to find these specific conversations (I know we can use tags, but getting everyone to remember to use a tag isn't easy).

Let's use the example of having a space for "Leads". I'd LOVE to be able to have topical sub-spaces, but I could live with a lexical grouping like this for a specific topic:

  • Leads
  • Leads - landing page

Many of these topics have a limited lifetime, so rather than a huge list to scroll through, it would be nice to be able to archive (or hide) the (sub) space โ€” but I would definitely not want to delete it!

If spaces could have topics or rooms, that would also be a solution. The friction is having a single flat list for group conversations.

We 100% need this feature if we continue to use Google Spaces for our projects. For legal reasons we can't just delete old chats, we really need a way to archive or at the very least put old projects spaces into a folder and out of the main list of spaces. In the meantime our list of spaces keeps growing and growing...

yes we need this ASAP!

where can i upvote this feature request?

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