Google Chat Room


I have been asked if there anyway to share a link to a Google Chat Room so people can join without having to invite them to it?

I have tested it but just sending a URL link, but that did not work.

Many Thanks

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I don't think that's possible unfortunately. Although there is a Google Chat API the only thing it seems to be able to do it create Chat Bots, I can't see any way to create a Chat Room or manage invites to that Room.

Might need to check the Feature Ideas to see if there is an idea on there to vote up or create one of your own if not:

This is possible though it's not exactly straightforward.

  1. Create a Google group and configure the group with permissions that "anyone can join".
  2. Create the Chat space (spaces is the new name of Chat roms).
  3. Invite the group to the chat space.
  4. Now instruct users who wish to join the chat space to first join the group. Then they will be considered invited (because the group is invited) and will be able to join the space.

That's how the gam chat room works ๐Ÿ˜‰

well it worked

i was on the internet looking for chat rooms and this one showed up

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