Display images in LongText columns via HTML (rich text)

In this little post, I'd like to recommend that creators consider using LongText columns to display images via "img scr=" tags. To do so, you need to participate in the "Rich Text Formatting - in Preview Program":


Advantages of this method

  1. No need to add more image columns (allows one to add multiple images via a single LongText column).
  2. Images are now resized automatically to fit the width of the screen on the user's device.  This is particularly good for portrait images (see example below).  By contrast, an "image" column puts your portrait image in a vertically tiny box, which can make such images almost unusable.
  3. "img scr" tags can be embedded in "a href" tags (you can turn an image into a clickable link)


  1. Images usually take some time to load. The user may be confronted with blank space while the image is loading. In regard to this point, traditional image columns are superior.
  2. Traditional image columns allow zooming which is not possible with images placed in LongText columns.  If you want to be able to zoom, you need to add a link to open your image in the device's browser.
  3. Image columns make it much easier to add images. Obviously, you need to know a little (not much, but a little) HTML to add images to LongText columns but, even after you learn the HTML, there are more steps involved than using image columns.
  4. You need to have some sort of external server for your images. Anyone, however, can get around this with a service like OpenDrive. I have my own server but in some situations I find it quicker and easier to use this service.  It also accommodates mp3s but I've found that mp3s files work better from my server.

Here's a screenshot from my phone to show how a fairly large (800 x 1192) portrait image displays in a LongText column on my phone.




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Good stuff mate! ๐Ÿ’ช Thanks for posting this.

I've found that using the special formatting for LongText columns to be VERY handy for creating a more customized detail view.

  • It's nice to be able to combine multiple columns together into one space, reducing the vertical space the data takes up on the screen, also allowing for some formatting, tables, etc.  Very handy

FYI: Images also work with Markdown formatting

Thanks for the encouragement.  I put together a little template app recently that shows how to take the image data from a single image column and display it automatically as the "main image" of a view, an Image column image, an image in a Show column, and an image in a LongText column.


Each way of displaying images has different advantages and disadvantages.  Putting them together in a singe app has helped me get my head around the range of possibilities.  I imaging this must be a bit confusing for newbies and, to be honest, I don't think the current AppSheet documentation is particularly helpful.

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