Where can I find the license types for Chronicle?

hi, where can I find the licence types (the best with pricing) for Chronicle? I see only Community plan which has some limitations and Enterprise plan without the detailed information about limitations and pricing.

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Hi @Rafal_Golab are you asking about Chronicle SOAR / SIEM or both? I will be happy to connect you with someone from the team


@shakedtal when you'll know who can describe enterprise plan please let me know

Will do, I will connect you to the relevant team member asap

@Rafal_Golab you will be contacted via email. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

@shakedtal do you know some time frame when the relevant team member will contact with me?

@shakedtal any update from your side?

Hi @Rafal_Golab let me check with the team and get back to you Asap

I'm also looking for a Chronicle licenses