SSH Integration

Does anyone use the SSH integration through the remote agent?

when I try to run even just a basic command the IDE spins and finally times out. I suspect it is because the key needs to be accepted, but there doesn't seem to be an option to add the key or to have the key accepted.

One reason that I am trying to do this, we are one of the places that are seeing the large scale botnet attack

I also did open a support ticket. 

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Hi, @mccrilb, could you please clarify which Python action you are using and which SSH command you are trying to run via Remote Agent? (Please remove sensitive information if any)

Also, if possible, could you please share python log of an action? You can generate it by running the same action via IDE (Testing tab).  


I am using the Run command on a remote machine function from the IDE.

I am trying to run a single command to start with

"conf t"

when I run, it will spin for several minutes and then stop with no output returned. 


I have confirmed that I have connectivity from the remote agent to the firewall. And that my creads are good as I can login via putty


