MS Teams to see Case creation & closure

I'm working on a playbook that will utilize our MS Teams integration to post in a specific channel (Send Message) whenever a Case is created, potentially some status as it is investigated, and finally upon closure using the Send Message Reply action with the closure reason. The first part I've got, but I can't seem to understand how to have the playbook pause and wait for closure or other updates. Does anyone have any insights? Having a separate playbook for updates would require the MsgID to be handed over to them so it doesn't feel like a great path either...

Also noticed that the Post Message action does not allow for setting the Subject or utilization of HTML in the body whereas the Reply version does allow for the HTML in the body.

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you can do this 

  1. add "MicrosoftTeams - Send Message" to your Playbook- add Team and Channel Name
    - type in a Message like: Test with [Case.Id] with alert: [Alert.Name]
  2. add "MicrosoftTeams - Send Message Reply"
    - add Team and Channel Name

    - grab Message ID via Expression builder -> [MicrosoftTeams_Send Message.JsonResult| "id"]
  3. Setup Type to: HTML

write some text in HTML like


<h2>Place Holder</h2>
<p><b>Title:</b> [Alert.Name]</p>
<p><b>Creation Time:</b> [Case.CreationTime]</p>
<p><b>Id:</b> [Case.Id]</p>


If you setup correctly you should see a Teams MSG and shortly after the reply with the HTML Code

