May 6, 2024


Deployment Time: 12:30 PM PST

Features & enhancements


Bug fixes

Item Description
Bug For desktop UI (preview), fixed a bug where Ref drop-down values could appear blank if the referenced row has no Label.  It now shows the Ref's own value (referenced row key value) as currently happens in other places. This fix will be rolled out gradually and is currently deployed to 100% of free users.
Bug For desktop UI (preview), fixed a bug where a form-saved event action that navigates back to the same form was leaving the form in a broken state.

Rollout changes

Item Description
Enhancement Changes to format rule icons:
  • Icon rules that don't specify a highlight color will again inherit highlight color from other active rules (consistent with mobile behavior).
  • When a Ref column references a row whose Label column includes formatting, the Ref values will now include the Label's formatting when displayed in dropdown inputs (consistent with how they are displayed in other places).

New: Deployed to 100% of free users and 10% of paid users.
Previous: Deployed to 100% of free users.

Enhancement Preview an app as an individual account in the new desktop design (preview)

You can preview an app as an individual account while viewing the app in the new desktop design. Change the Preview as field directly in the desktop UI. See Preview an app as an individual account.

New: Deployed to all users.
Preview: Deployed to 100% of free users and 75% of premium users.

Bug For desktop UI, more aspects of inline views will be persisted after expanding them.

With this change, user modifications to an inline view (such as a dashboard entry or a table in a detail view) will be kept upon expanding the view on the desktop, as they would be on mobile.

For example, if a user toggles the column sort order of a table in a dashboard view and then expands that entry, the table rows will now stay in the same order. This also applies in the opposite direction: if the user makes further changes to the expanded table then collapses the view, those changes will still be seen upon returning to the dashboard view.

New: Deployed to 100% of free users and 50% of premium users.
Preview: Deployed to 100% of free users and 25% of premium users.

Preview announcements

Preview feature releases enable you to try out new app features that are not yet fully supported. See Product launch stages.

  • No new preview features were released today.

The following tables summarize the preview features that are currently available.

Item Description
Feature AppSheet apps for desktop users (Preview)

The new desktop design, currently in preview, is optimized for desktop browsers, presenting a more complete view of information with a consistent organization and structure. The new desktop design lets users navigate their apps more easily and access information in context, and provides an efficient way to edit existing records without losing context. The legacy desktop design, enabled by default, provides an experience similar to the mobile and tablet device.

For more information, see:

In addition, the AppSheet preview program lets app creators try out new app features that are not yet fully supported. For more details and to opt-in, see AppSheet preview program.

2 12 651
Silver 3
Silver 3

Hi, so now that it doesn't show blank when ref has no label, what will be shown?

Bronze 4
Bronze 4


I have an idea, that would be interesting. This is about the group by. I have the following 2 scenarios:

1. Per date
That would be great if there was a group by: Month / Year, because if we want to group by month we need to concatenate the month number with its text, this would be something like: 01-Jan, 02-Feb... This way I have the choice to sort asc or desc by month. However, that would be great if Appshet smartly understood the month order and we didn't need to do that. 

In case the year changes, it would separate, because currenty when the year changes I need to create another group by, that is boring, I guess Appsheet should separate the months per year, on the contrary I will have two or more registers from 01-Jan from different years grouped together.

2. Per Enum order

It'd be great if the group by "Enum" column type respected the order listed in my enum column. Let us imagine that I have the following options: Car; Bus; Air plane; Uber... I'd like to group them in this specific order, I don't want to use any number with this. 


Despite of being "ugly" and unnecessary, imagine that I have a long list of items for my enum and each of them have a specif a format rule, and I need to insert a new option, I'll need to renumber every option and fix each format rule



"Hi, so now that it doesn't show blank when ref has no label, what will be shown?"

If there is no text or image label, it will fall back to showing the Ref's own value (referenced row key value) as currently happens in other places.

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

@Peterson_90 wrote:

2. Per Enum order

It'd be great if the group by "Enum" column type respected the order listed in my enum column. Let us imagine that I have the following options: Car; Bus; Air plane; Uber... I'd like to group them in this specific order, I don't want to use any number with this. 

It already does work like that. Although if you use Enum-Ref, it's stops doing so, which is very unfortunate. I believe I actually had an old support ticket filed about this that never got fulfilled.


@Peterson_90 wrote:

1. Per date
That would be great if there was a group by: Month / Year

I'd like this to be an option as well. And there is certainly merit for it, similar such functionality exists on a GSheet pivot table, or in Data Studio.



Bronze 5
Bronze 5


@lizlynch I think this enhancement hasn't been able to process "USERROLE()" of the email in the "Preview as" box.


@sak - Thank you for reporting! Raising this to the AppSheet team.


Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @lizlynch 

I just noticed some inconsistent behavior between "in editor preview" and "out of editor preview", when sharing to someone with "view definition" permission:


Can you report this to the dev team?

Thanks for considering!


@sak Hello, thanks for reporting the "Preview As" bug - this should now be fixed. Please let me know if you see any more issues with it! 

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

@amyplin Thank you for the fix. It's working now.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

@amyplin I found a bug regarding the "Preview As" in desktop view. The USERROLE() doesn't work with condition in Actions.




@sak Testing in my own app it seemes to work as expected, can you let me know your app name and enable support so I can take a look at your app? 

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

@amyplin It seems like it's working as expected now. I haven't edited anything though. The only thing I did was updating Chrome browser.