Field Names on X-Axis (Line Chart)

Hi there! I'm returning to Looker after a few years for a project and I'm stuck on getting it to format this chart how I'd like. I'm looking to compare the average scores of 4 groups across several terms. All the terms are their own column in the data set, and I have set up calculated fields to average those. The groups are their own column as well.

This is how it's currently displaying:

Graph Example.png

Basically I need the x-axis labels and the line legend labels to flip, so the terms (23-24 F Math Average, etc) are on the x-axis and the lines represent each group (Both, SS, Neither, EEC) to track their scores over the terms. I've seen some other posts include the underlying data, so here's what that looks like along with some screenshots of how the dimensions and metrics are set up.

Data Example.png

Setup Example.png

0 1 87

Hey there! You need to pivot. Here's a doc to configure the chart/data properly! 

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