[Read Me] Guidelines for Qwiklabs/Skills Boost credit sharing & requests in the GCC

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi everyone!

We’ve seen a lot of posts about sharing credits in the GCC, and some of you may have received messages about your posts being flagged. While this forum wasn’t originally intended to have that kind of content, we LOVE seeing your generosity and cooperation when it comes to sharing credits, and we want you to continue being able to do that, so we now have official instructions for you. Yay! 💗🪙🥇

These are designed to make it easier for you to give - and get - Qwiklabs/Skills Boost credits, preserve the Google Cloud Community Guidelines & Privacy Policy, and to keep you safe. 

Please adhere to these parameters - if a post doesn’t meet the requirements, we will have to remove it. Repeat violations may affect the good standing of your account, so please - ask questions if you’re at all unclear about the guidelines! Remember, the basic Community Guidelines still apply, as do the Qwiklabs/Google Cloud Skills Boost Terms of Service so please re-familiarize yourself with those if you need to do so.

Okay, on to the fun stuff: how to ask for shared credits in the Learning Forum

  • First, check the “Qwiklabs Credit Sharing” label to see if there are any open share offers. This is probably the fastest way to find a friend with available credits!
  • Only make one post for each credit request. If you have multiple unsolved request posts, they will all be flagged.
  • Specify the number of credits and labs/quests in your post title. For example, “Looking for 15 credits to complete 2 labs” is a great title! “Need credits now” is not.
  • Tag your credit request with the “Qwiklabs Credit Sharing” label, and only that label. Posts with other labels will be flagged.
  • In the body of your request, share only your Qwiklabs profile link. Your email address should never be shared in the GCC forums, nor should you request others’ email addresses. If you include your email address, community moderators will redact it. If you request others’ email addresses, your post will be reported.
  • Your Qwiklabs profile link should only be in the body of the post. One of the GCC Guidelines includes “Don’t create post titles that include a URL “, and we want to respect that.
  • Please be friendly in your post. Give some context about the labs or challenge you’re trying to complete, or tell us a little bit about yourself! Who knows, you may get a new study buddy along with your credits 🙂
  • After you have received credits, mark your post as solved. If you wind up needing more credits down the line, you can use these guidelines to make a new request 😉

But wait! What if you want to GIVE credits? Firstly, thank you! Secondly, here are two ways to do it:

  • You can click the "Qwiklabs Credit Sharing” label in the sidebar to see all of the open requests. 
    • Comment on the one(s) that you can help out, so that the poster can choose your comment as their post’s solution
    • Use their profile link to get into the Qwiklabs platform and share credits; do not request their email address in a comment. If you do need more info, reach out with a DM.
  • Have expiring/extra credits? You can make your own post in the Learning Forum!
    • Tag your post with the “Qwiklabs Credit Sharing” label, and only that label. Posts with other labels will be flagged.
    • Do not ask people to comment with their email addresses. Folks can share their Qwiklabs profile link in the comments, or they can DM you. (Unless you’d prefer no DMs, in which case you can mention that in your post!) If you request that people post their email address publicly, you will be reported.
    • When you’ve distributed all of the credits you wish to distribute, mark your post as solved. This helps folks see the open offers in the forum.


If you need more information, use these links to learn how to share Qwiklabs credits, how credits work, and how share groups use credits. You can also ask questions in the comments below ⬇️


Thank you all for helping to make our community better and better - have fun out there!


74 48 19.5K

A much needed post thanks a lot

But I have one request can we increase the credits like we get 9 credits (through any campaign) from 9 to atleast 25 or 30. 

Also this problem was there because trivia lab asks from 20 to 40 credits and many users are using old account with 0 credits so removing the credit cost just like ee have for games (speedrun) in trivia badge will help a lot to overcome this issue as 99% post was about trivia credits...


I agree with you...plz try to make this thing and help other person who have real to attend Qwiklabs Trivia...so i request to @googlecloudcommunity..

Is it necessary to have the monthly subscription to recieve the mail to claim the gcloud swags which is supposed to get by last week of December?

Kindly reply...

i agree with you 

guide for getting started with Google Cloud including the Tools and Applications that will make you a better and more efficient engineer with Google Cloud .

someone can help me with cretits ,

<PII removed by staff>

Hello Team, I always skip Trivia Games due to insufficient credit points. I need 18 credit points to complete Feb'23 Trivia game if someone can share. Thanks in advance.

<PII removed by staff>

Actually what's the need of this credit in google cloud. Can anyone tell me . Should have been removed this a long before

For doing labs we need credits

Nice of you . Why this kind of system is required , what would go wrong if  "For doing labs we need credits"  is removed. What's the importance of this credit system , any benefit rather than making friends while begging credit with others

@Abhishek213 wrote:

For doing labs we need credits



hello guys 

i need credits could you please help me 

<PII removed by staff>


thank you

Hi there! Please read the guidelines here; you must follow them to request credits.

How we connect with Google cloud skill boost profile link ?

we connect with it to check your arcade points?


I need credits to complete upcoming trivia and current trivia challenges, please provide some credits

continue to skill up there are chances for you.

Hello @carrie , could you please share a guide for sharing credits with public profile link. It seems sharing credits does not work via public profile link or I do it wrong.

I have same question, just confused for below step to use Qwiklabs profile link. 

  • Use their profile link to get into the Qwiklabs platform and share credits; do not request their email address in a comment. If you do need more info, reach out with a DM.

I am curious, so if after we posted requesting credit, and some one direct message to request email id, is it ok to provide?

It is the only option to share credits via email id.

Thank you for letting me know.

Sir plzzz share me only 100 credits

I am unable to run any labs

My Gmail id: (PII Removed by Staff)

This is a good post explaining how to reach out for credits. Like many others have suggested, would be very nice for Google Cloud Community to share some credits for old users who don't have any. 

Thank you for sharing 

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i need around of 50 credits for complete the lab. I have 0 credits are available. please help me mam🙏

my public profile is  https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/165523d8-12b6-4da3-b881-5855f9d2eed2

Thanks a lot

what will be the last date to complete skill badges to add them to arcade points

 i want to learn new courses from quicklab  thats why i don not have much credit to use for completing my lab 

my email id is =  (PII Removed by Staff)

my email id is =  <PII removed by staff>

I think today. On top of the page there was this text

The prize counter will open in the last week of December 2023. Please note that only the Arcade points earned on or before December 20, 2023, will be eligible for prize redemptions.

Looking for 15 credits to complete 2 labs”

I have miss the deadline of letter...  two letters.

it is only 7 day to receive the free credit...

my reward of arcade game 's credit is only 10 day to receive the free credit.  and it is not mention the deadline on letter.

Is ANYONE always free to receive the letters?

That's a terrible experience of using cloudskillsboost first time on receiving credits.


Hey @a0980368677 ,

May I know what letters are you talking about? and what do you mean by 

@a0980368677 wrote:

Is ANYONE always free to receive the letters?

is there anyone who will help me  to give credit point atleast 40 to 50 if possible for anyone please reply me to share it is very necessary for me.



Hi there, I hope you are well.

I would be more than happy to help. Is the username above the one you would like me to send the credits to?I'm glad that you reached out because it shows your dedication 😊

Hi Everyone,

I require 70 credits to complete My Machine Learning Path. Can someone share credits if possible?

I'm reaching out to express my enthusiasm for diving into app development utilizing Duet AI on Google Cloud Platform. However, to fully engage in the learning process and participate in labs effectively, I require some credits to access essential resources.
Can you please share me some credits so that i can start App dvelopment with Duet AI

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