Getting Error: The connection was forcibly closed

Hello Team,

I've been working on establishing a connection with Cloud SQL - Postgres. I've ensured that I have all the required permissions both for myself and the service account. Additionally, I've successfully created the instance in Cloud SQL - Postgres, along with the necessary user and database configurations. However, during the connector setup process in Application Integration, after providing all the requisite details, I encounter an issue where the connection attempt loads for a few minutes before ultimately failing with one of the following error messages: "The Connection has been closed", "The connection was forcibly closed", or "Connection deployment timeout". Interestingly, I'm encountering a similar issue with the Cloud SQL - MySQL connector as well. I'm seeking assistance in resolving this issue and understanding the underlying cause. Any insights or guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I've attached a screenshot of the error for reference.




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Hi Ahitankar, 

Probably worth checking what permissions you have given the service account, we gave ours:


Otherwise not sure what else to suggest, probably needs a case raised with Google.

View solution in original post


Hi Ahitankar, 

in my team we have been using this postgres connector successfully for the last year. It sounds more like a networking issue preventing connection to your database.  Have you allowed "Private IP connectivity" to your database (edit database, scroll down to connections, enable 'private ip')

Hi Graham-Vosper,

Even after enabling "Private IP connectivity" in my database settings with default network configurations, the error persists. I've included a screenshot of the connections tab for reference. Can you speculate on other potential causes for this issue?

Hi Ahitankar, 

Probably worth checking what permissions you have given the service account, we gave ours:


Otherwise not sure what else to suggest, probably needs a case raised with Google.

Hi Graham - Vosper,

We have all the above three mentioned permissions to the service account. 



Hi Ahitankar,

I'm facing the same issue, did you figure out how to solve?

