Project gets suspended after moving <250GB of files from one project to another using CLI


I've had my projects suspended three times already for cryptocurrency mining. It has always happened after I used either gsutil cp -r or gcloud storage cp -r to move files (always smaller than <1TB altogether, the biggest one is 100GB, as per this documentation).

Recently, I created a brand new project to backup the data, the only thing I did in this project was creating a bucket and running gcloud storage cp -r from my local Terminal, files have been successfully moved but then after little time the project to which my files have been moved to, has been suspended , again, for cryptocurrency mining.

I'm aware that some automatic system reviews the calls and bans certain projects, I'd like to ask for tips on how to avoid this. I was already notified that gsutil command is not recommended for this type of things, because it's outdated, and that it is suggested to use gcloud storage with the recursive flag. I am also suspecting that using GCP Console is better than local Terminal, for safety reasons.

Any more tips?

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Hello @mkacki98,

An alternative to the CLI is using the Storage Transfer Service. However, Storage Transfer Service is recommended when you're transferring more than 1TB

If your projects keeps getting suspended, you can contact Google Cloud Support to further look into your case. Hope it helps, thanks!