Cloud Domain gives Sorry, the server was not able to fulfil your request.

I have enabled the billing account and currently activated the free trail with $300 credit. I am trying to create the google cloud domain and when I do search for domain name it gives Sorry, the server was not able to fulfil your request. and when I inspect the developer console for DOMAINS_AVAILABLE_DOMAIN_LIST it had responded with  Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota) I do get the same message if I try to create domain using the gcloud. I cannot change the quota as it is the free trail.


I want to use this domain in HTTP(s) load balancer and access the Apigee Proxy using it. Can someone help here? Thanks. 




1 12 5,161

I'm having the same issue here

I'm having the same issue 😐

Hi @rvpatel 

Thanks for your interest! You mentioned that you've subscribed to the free trial. Unfortunately, going by, Cloud Domains is not among the products that are available in the Free Trial.

@Lekia , @alecusss - Are you (too) trying this out in a Free Trial?

getting the same issue please help me in figure it out


I received the same error on the load balancing page... very frustrating.
The problem appears to be with free-tier accounts, but the message on the front end is terrible...
I wasted a lot of time looking for a solution; please fix the error message so that it's clear why it doesn't work...

It's 2023, and it's stupid to show the user such a nonsense error message?
What am I supposed to do with this information?

Sorry, the server was not able to fulfill your request.

Thank you for your feedback.  I have created an issue report within Google to have this examined as a potential improvement to either the message or better documentation.   It is being tracked with the identity of:


I'd be curious to hear if there were any additional messages written to Google Cloud Logging?

For us, this was a lack of enabling the Compute API 🙄

When creating a global balancer of either classic or modernist, it would just fail with no explanation. If you choose regional, it will correctly redirect you to the page to enable the API.

A bit more guidance and consistency would fix this issue. But consistency in GCP is a wonderful distant dream!

Same here. On a paid plan and got this terribly vague error message and generic troubleshooting. Wasted several hours and eventually found this. Enabling Compute Engine API fixed this for me immediately.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

As a former Googler, encountering this error is an awful user experience and may lead me to selecting another provider. For what it's worth, I am not using the free tier and have a billing account.

This is a very very STOOPIT error message. Its already 2024 and the error message still hasn't changed. I spent an hour searching for answers thinking i might have done something wrong. 

select regional load balancer instead of global which will lead you to 'enable compute engine API' , go back to 'load balancer' right after this and follow the steps in

its already 2024 and the error message is still the same. SO STOOPIT. no wonder Azure is overtaking google in cloud services.

your instructions are wrong! DO NOT choose global or classic load balancer, choose the regional LB which will take you to enable compute engine API. thereafter go back to the create load balancer main page and continue the steps written in the guide.

so STOOPID !!!!

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

I had the error when I tried to register a domain name too, even though I was using a billing account.

I realized the error message was intermittent when you typed different domain names and pressed enter instead of waiting for the search to return.

The registration form had blatant bugs and cryptic error messages too, "check fields" was briefly displayed before displaying a dialog box telling me to check my input without saying which field was problematic.

Through trial and error and many facepalms I managed to properly formulate my fields and obtain a domain name though \o/

Hope my solution to this escape game can be of service to some of you ! Cheers.