Backup and DR - ERROR 10229

Hi there,
We recently update the Backup and DR Appliance to patch version at three weeks ago, since last Thursday (11th of April) the Event Error persist alarming there, Google's documentation is not so clear and suggests that can normally be ignored. However,that error has been alarmed hourly day by day. So getting 24 event errors by day.

Any idea how to fix it?

Warning / Error - Event ID: 10229
Error Message: Exceeded storage, System name: /dev/zd16 mounted on: /act/pg with current usage of 91% exceeded the threshold of 90%
What to do: This is is an internal event and normally can be ignored.

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This is an indicator that you have filled up the Snapshot disk Pool, where backup staging disks are kept on the Backup Appliance.

To resolve this, you should add a new Persistend Disk to the backup appliance, of a size that suits how much data you intend to need for the next months of estimated growth. This varies for many customers depending on how much new data you intend to backup, and what your snapshot pool retention values are set to in your templates. You can add disks of up to 64TB here, but it's suggested to add disks in smaller increments that don't over provision the space well in advance of needing it.

Once you have added the disk to the backup appliance (this can be done while the machine is powered up). Goto Manage, Appliances, right click on your appliance that is affected by the disk space issue, and choose "Configure Appliance". This will open a new browser tab, where you will be placed into the Appliance "Storage Pools" page by default. Click the pencil icon in the "act_per_pool000" box. Wait 10-15 seconds, and you should see a page, with your new disk appearing in the left side (Unmanaged Disks) of the page, click the green (+) icon to select the disk and add it to the pool on the right side pane (selected disks), then click submit, and confirm in caps the text that it asks you to confirm adding the disk with.

This will then solve the issue. Please note: do NOT use the expand disk option for your existing Persistent Disks attached to the Backup Appliance VM, this only works by adding new Persistent Disks, then committing them to the disk pool.

If you have any issues, please log a support case, and the team can help take care of you.

Hi @jeffoconnor ,

Appreciate your reply, we had been following the Google documentations, we did exactly the steps you mentioned in your answer before the error happened, we currently have about 60% of act_per_pool000 Type Snapshot in use and the alarm is set to warning at 80%. So we will follow your recommendations and open a support case to get assistance by Google support team.
