Guide | Quick OVA Deployment And Portal Login

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Hello everyone,

I’ve seen various questions around the slack channel about the OVA deployment, so I’m writing this quick step by step guide about how to start using Siemplify.

After downloading the Latest OVA and deploying it to our VMware Workstation,

Login to the interactive shell using the default credentials sent in the Welcome email:

root, w2My$0c^^

you might want to change this default password which you can by using the command:

# echo "newpassword" | passwd --stdin root


using the command “ip a” you’ll notice there is no network adapter:


we’ll configure our own one by using following steps:

VM > Settings > Hardware > Add > Network Adapter > Host-Only > Finish

[VM might do a state restore after finishing – just wait]

executing once again the command “ip a” will display us the ip address of our Siemplify portal:


now we can surf into the portal using the given address, as there is no valid certificate you’ll have to add the address to the exception list and continue:

[exact message may differ depends on your web browser]


All we have left is to login to the portal using our default user:

Admin, password


And that's all! 😄

New Member

@Ori2 I would recommend editing the part to change the password.

By running the following command:

echo "newpassword" | passwd --stdin root

The password is exposed in the bash history of the user.

It is recommended to use the following command in order to change the password:

sudo passwd


On a site note, your method would kind of work if the bash history was disabled but it is not recommended.

  • You would disable the history by running: set +o history
  • Do some stuff you don't want to keep in history
  • Enable back the history: set -o history

New Member

Hey @Antoine4 🙂

Thank you for your insight!

Unfortunately editing a post is only available for the first hour into submitting.

Although storing passwords in clear-text is always a bad idea, I'd like to note that other users will access only their history and won't see the root history:



Hi @Antoine4 & @Ori2 , if there is any need to update the post please let me know as I have access to edit it.

New Member

I don't believe that it's necessary as the post comments are already there and visible. But thanks!


@Ori2 No problem:)

New Member


I am asked to key in the community code when providing the user and password

New Member


@George_Chacko I will send you your Community Code via email.

New Member

@shakedtal , Awesome..Thank you!

New Member

@shakedtal Hi, Support, it told me the its invalid email or code even I am sure I copied and pasted the right one. (the server can't connect to internet)

New Member

How to reset my GUI password..I have forgot the password but can login via SSH.. Please advise

Version history
Last update:
‎06-25-2020 01:55 AM
Updated by: