Cannot connect to GKE cluster

I am unable to connect to a GKE cluster. Either from cloud shell or local i get a timeout error:
Error while proxying request: dial tcp **.**.**.**:443: i/o timeout
The cluster in GCP console is always loading, I cannot scale it or do anything. If i go to workloads (workloads/deployments are running, as i can access the services through their ips), the following message appears in gcp console:
Missing data from clusters ***** (unavailable)


Missing data from clusters ***** (deadline exceeded)

any help is appreciated.

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Please follow the below steps to diagnose your issue.

  • Go to the Kubernetes Engine section in your Google Cloud Console to see if the cluster is up and running without any alarms or warnings
  • Check for Google Cloud’s logs to find any errors or warnings related to your Kubernetes services. These logs can give you clues about what’s causing the problem.
  • Make sure that your network and firewall settings are correct and that they’re not blocking connections, especially on TCP port 443, which is used for HTTPS traffic.
  • Check that your account or the service account you’re using has the right permissions to access the cluster.
  • Sometimes disabling and then re-enabling the Kubernetes Engine API in your project can fix underlying issues.
  • If you can’t use the console, try restarting parts of the cluster using command-line tools like gcloud or kubectl

I hope this will help, let us know the outcome.

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