[ABUSE] By: Murugesan / Board: cloud-apigee (79468)

Hi Mods. This message is in the wrong place. I think it should be moved to https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/Google-Cloud-s-operations-suite/bd-p/cloud-operations .

Link to post: (An unused permission removal through security center remediation suggestion)
by Murugesan


Security command center reported the vulnerability " An unused permission" on user and service account and suggested to remediate accordingly to the IAM recommender. On the popup window, there IAM recommender suggested to remove the unused and  granted offending permission and add the less privilege roles to the user and service account. After removing the overly granted permission, the scan dashboard still shows the vulnerabilities.  Also to be sure on removing the role and binding to the service accounts and user, verified the user permission in the IAM and as well as gcloud command, it all confirming the excess and unused permission has been removed but security command center still stays or reporting the same case.

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