Machine learning { System guard } user end to use

Social engineering is one of the most flexible ways to target vulnerabilities so far (there will be no friendship with AI/Thinking) that are not part of the actual plan to test the system. The focus is often on the structure, assets, and resources by the cyber security engineer.
. Social engineering itself creates a feeling or mindset of anxiety within someone to gain access to information that you wouldn't normally have access to. Historically, we know social engineering to be similar to phishing attacks using emails, but it can also be phone calls, or it can be in person. This is often done by offering threats, ultimatums, misinformation, creating a sense of urgency, escalation, and everything related to creating a situation where you get someone to reveal information or access something that you wouldn't normally have access to.. So we know that most Businesses will have an internal wireless network for all their employees to use, so it becomes very important that we test this and ensure it complies with the security policy. Since every employee connects to this internal network, they will often try to use their own devices, whether their phones or computers. So these all become weak areas that we have to test. Therefore, creating an environment of employee trust around the ways they can use flexibility and interaction with them and the technical more important than testing the system itself. Next step was ignore to AI / Machine learning build & Test user end expert, I try to think with machine It's one way but or one step.....i don't know??

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