Global admins unable to change policies or issue keys.....or purchase support!

Hi, so this is about the most frustrated I've ever been with customer service. I've got admin rights on dozens of google accounts and use the platform a lot. But I have one client with a brand new google workplace account and I'm baffled...

I have full Super Admin access to the account.
We have a simple google workspace account and neither of the Super Admins are able to:

1. Create service account keys in google cloud due to an organisation wide policy.
2. Edit, list or troubleshoot policies
3. Purchase support.

All we need to do is turn off this policy:

'lam. disableServiceAccountKeyCreation’

But neither of our super admin accounts can edit or even troubleshoot policies.
This is very unusual, we run dozens of google accounts for our customers and we have never had this issue.
For reference, we are trying to create a service account key to enable Synology active backup to function with this client. Also neither of the admins are able to purchase a support plan because they do not have the rights to do that! Baffling!!!! I"ve tried adding organisational policy admin rights and key admin rights to the global admins but I still can't create a simple application key for a project...

Has anyone seen this before?

Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 09.25.48.png

Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 09.26.25.png

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Hi, I am facing the same issue. Did you end up finding a fix?

email me <PII removed by staff>

1. Pick your user. I've created user named "test test" for this demo. 2.  Add your newly created user to Super Admin role OR be sure that you  user is in that group. Log in to -> Account->  Admin roles -> Super Admin


3. Go to and log in with your SUperUser from step1.4. From left top right corner pick project list and search for your organization


5.  Search for IAM -> Grant Access -> Add your SuperUser in "New  principals" field. Select either Organization Admin or Organization  Policy Administrator to be able to deal with org policies.


6. Click "SAVE"7. You can verify your changes. Once saved, wait few minutes to be sure that IAM have been properly propagated. 


Add1.  You can verify your permissions by using Policy Analyzer -> What  access does my employee ( or terminated employee ) have -> Create  query -> Put email name for your SuperUser in "Principal" field ->  Continue -> Check boxes (
List resources within resource(s) matvhing your query and List permissions inside roles )cheers,