Cant invite external users to calendar event, Domain-Wide Delegation Authority Restriction

I've a service account credential, and can initialize it, read calendars, create events, but cannot invite users from their emails (

I get the following error "Service accounts cannot invite attendees without Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority."

This service account has wide domain access, with all the scopesDomain-wide-Delegation.png

I initialize the auth and calendar client


import { Auth } from 'googleapis'
import { GaxiosError } from 'googleapis-common'
import { calendar, calendar_v3 } from 'googleapis/build/src/apis/calendar'

const auth = new Auth.GoogleAuth({
  keyFile: 'service_account_credentials.json',
  scopes: [
const calendar_ = calendar({ version: 'v3', auth: auth })


 When I try to create an event, it throws an error about the Domain-Wide Delegation.
    calendarId: _calendarId,
    conferenceDataVersion: 0,
    maxAttendees: 2,
    supportsAttachments: false,
    sendNotifications: true,
    sendUpdates: 'all',
    requestBody: {
      attendees: [
        { email: '[email protected]'}
      description: 'automatic event',


Are there any other steps must be followed to remove this restriction? i have admin access


If attendees is an empty array, the event is created without any trouble

@CarlosVi wrote:

attendees: [ { email: '[email protected]'} ],

@CarlosVi I'm having the same problem, have you found a solution?  I searched the web and tried out every suggestion I could find, but no luck.

I have the same issue, did you found something?