Duet AI setup impossible - permission denied - multiple people facing same issue

Googlers, please help us - multiple people have been approved for the Cloud Duet AI preview but none of us can get it to work. Something is broken in your provisioning flow. We have no one to reach out to about this issue, can you please help us? 

The error all of us are getting is this: 


ERROR: (gcloud.services.enable) PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied to enable service [cloudaicompanion.googleapis.com]
Help Token: AZ-7fWJABeDFe76iBIlx94v7D3B1MzWHfTSqZa6F3GZpJ7Il_s7A7RAV6m-U6qtmDNzf1IPYUhb191R7wTKTAWWBXi7QdtNrnTaCG2K2xWa_ce7-
- '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.PreconditionFailure
  - subject: ?error_code=110002&service=servicemanagement.googleapis.com&permission=servicemanagement.services.bind&resource=resonant-gizmo-400216
    type: googleapis.com
- '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo
  domain: serviceusage.googleapis.com
    permission: servicemanagement.services.bind
    resource: resonant-gizmo-400216
    service: servicemanagement.googleapis.com


We all have the correct IAM permissions and we have all supplied the correct Project IDs to Google at signup. 

Another case: https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/AI-ML/Duet-AI-setup/m-p/647527#M3295 

And another one: https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/Developer-Tools/Cannot-activate-Duet-Cloud-AI-Companion/m-p/... 

Can someone please finally help??


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I also encountered a similar problem.
By the way, before I encountered this problem,
I was instructed to send the project number.
It looks like you can opt out on the screen below.
I'll try again to consider the possibility that I entered the number incorrectly.

”You can leave the waitlist for the Program by clicking here. We will remove your information from the waitlist and will not contact you further for follow up.”

(Try Duet AI in Google Cloud, https://cloud.google.com/earlyaccess/duet-ai?hl=en )
