I have an idea, that would be interesting. This is about the group by. I have the following 2 scenarios:

1. Per date
That would be great if there was a group by: Month / Year, because if we want to group by month we need to concatenate the month number with its text, this would be something like: 01-Jan, 02-Feb... This way I have the choice to sort asc or desc by month. However, that would be great if Appshet smartly understood the month order and we didn't need to do that. 

In case the year changes, it would separate, because currenty when the year changes I need to create another group by, that is boring, I guess Appsheet should separate the months per year, on the contrary I will have two or more registers from 01-Jan from different years grouped together.

2. Per Enum order

It'd be great if the group by "Enum" column type respected the order listed in my enum column. Let us imagine that I have the following options: Car; Bus; Air plane; Uber... I'd like to group them in this specific order, I don't want to use any number with this. 


Despite of being "ugly" and unnecessary, imagine that I have a long list of items for my enum and each of them have a specif a format rule, and I need to insert a new option, I'll need to renumber every option and fix each format rule. That is annoying.


Best regards

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