How to transform a lookless tiles from an existing dashboard into Look?

How to transform a lookless tiles from an existing dashboard into Looks?

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Access the Dashboard:

Open the Looker dashboard containing the Lookless tiles you want to convert.

Identify the Lookless Tile:

Hover over the tile and look for the "Explore from here" or "Save as Look" option (depending on your Looker version).

This indicates that the tile is Lookless.

Save as Look:

Click on "Save as Look."

You'll be taken to the Explore environment with the query and visualization settings for the tile.

Refine and Save:

(Optional) Review and modify the query, visualization, or filters as needed.

Click the gear icon (Explore Actions) and select "Save."

Give the Look a meaningful name and description.

Choose a folder to save it in.

Click "Save" again.

Update the Dashboard Tile:

Go back to your dashboard.

Click on the pencil icon to edit the tile you converted.

In the tile settings, choose the newly created Look as the source.

Save the changes to the dashboard.

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