How to connect Looker with Google Slides? (for our business reviews)

I'm looking for a way to connect Looker with Google Slides to automate our Weekly Business Reviews. Their preparation has become very time-consuming as our decks have grown to more than 50 slides.

Are you aware of any marketplace app that does that?


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Rollstack is great for that. You can use it to connect Looker with Google Slides and create your weekly business reviews automatically.

View solution in original post


Thank you @anna_martinez!!

@jonlee let me know if you have any questions.

Rollstack is great for that. You can use it to connect Looker with Google Slides and create your weekly business reviews automatically.

Thanks @amitbiri12, it looks to be exactly what we're looking for. Do you know if it works for both Google slides and ppt. We're mostly G Slides shop but some team members still use ppt.

@jonlee yes it works for both

@jonlee and docs too

Thanks @anna_martinez and @amitbiri12 

Anytime @jonlee 

Omg, super interested @anna_martinez! Can you please send me the details. We are a marketing agency and create many business reviews using Looker, so this can definitely help us.

Love to see this type of live solutioning! Thanks for helping eachother out! 

@svennypet, sure. We help several agencies on similar use cases. Feel free to check our website and book time with someone from the team.

Done @anna_martinez thanks!


@svennypet here's an example of AdTech and marketing agency doing similar business reviews automation.

Love the product @anna_martinez! Can't believe I only found you now!! 😄


As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Looker, a business intelligence and data analytics platform, doesn’t have a native integration with Google Slides. However, you can still transfer data or visualizations from Looker to Google Slides manually or using intermediary steps.

Here's a general approach to connect Looker with Google Slides:

1. **Export Data or Visualizations from Looker:**
- Looker allows you to export data or visualizations in various formats like CSV, Excel, or images.
- Run the query or generate the visualization you want to include in Google Slides.
- Export the data or visualization in a format that's compatible with Google Slides (e.g., PNG, JPEG, etc.).

2. **Insert Exported Content into Google Slides:**
- Open your Google Slides presentation.
- Insert the exported images or data files into your slides manually.
- Arrange the content and format it as needed within Google Slides.

3. **Automate Using Google Apps Script (Optional):**
- You can create a Google Apps Script that fetches data from Looker via API and updates your Google Slides presentation automatically. This method requires programming skills and understanding of both Looker's API and Google Apps Script.

4. **Explore Third-Party Integration Platforms (if available):**
- There might be third-party integration platforms that offer connectors between Looker and Google Slides. Check Looker's marketplace or third-party integration services for any available options.

Remember, direct integration capabilities might change over time as platforms evolve and introduce new features or integrations. Always check the latest documentation, marketplace listings, or official announcements from Looker or Google Workspace (including Google Slides) for any updates regarding native integrations between these platforms.

If the direct integration doesn't exist, exporting and manually inserting data or visualizations into Google Slides remains a feasible workaround as of the last update.

@henrylester is this generated by Bard? 😂

Hey @henrylester - thanks for jumping into help out! We love to see GCC members using Generative AI to help enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing on the forums. We just ask that you're careful to not to copy/paste directly from BARD or other tools as context might be lost in translation. 

Thanks again for taking a stab at this question! 

Rollstack automates this

It's fantastic to hear that Rollstack offers a solution for connecting Looker with Google Slides to automate your Weekly Business Reviews. This streamlined integration can undoubtedly enhance efficiency and save valuable time in the preparation of extensive slide decks. Businesses often benefit greatly from such automation, allowing teams to focus more on analysis and decision-making rather than manual report generation. If you have specific questions or need assistance with the integration, be sure to explore Rollstack's documentation or support resources for a smooth

Bard xD

I see more and more LLM generated responses in this community. Don't know if the moderators can do something about it...

@Abinavaraam this might help for your pdf task

I'm curious about PDFs too.

My understanding is that Rollstack connects Looker to G-Suite (slides & docs) and 365 (powerpoint and word), from there you can convert to PDF

Oh, makes sense and sounds do-able. Thank you.

You're welcome, Zack. Cheers!

Have you given Rollstack a try, Zack? What did you think?

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