Where is documentation for window.awaitPerformanceObservation() method and is it still valid?

I'm looking at this repo for load testing looker dashboards with selenium (its very old): https://github.com/looker-open-source/looker-load-testing/blob/6c05299a01b5e432eaf83b1105a5bdc69047b...

It makes heavy use of `window.awaitPerformanceObservation("rendered")`

I can find no information about this method.

When I interactively login to looker is it available in the chrome console and works, but when I call it through selenium it seems to never fire.

What is this `window.awaitPerformanceObservation("rendered")` method? Is it official or is it an implementation detail the repo creator somehow found out about?

What javascript/DOM methods are available to me in my selenium tests to know when a dashboard page has fully loaded? How can I programmatically, through selenium, confirm a dashboard page is finished loading?

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