Looker Action Hub - configuration of field tags not working as expected


I'm building a custom Action Hub to handle custom actions in our Looker instance. We want users to be able to click on a message_id, choose a status from a dropdown, and have the resulting row of data inserted into a BigQuery table. To achieve this, I have used GCP App Engine to host the url endpoints and do the work of getting the data into BQ.

The issue I'm having is with the initial configuration of the Action. According to the documentation, I need to identify the tags a user can apply to fields in Looker to enable this action. The documentation, as well as the code for the official integrations, state that I need to return an object from my base url that looks like this:




  "label": "My Action Hub",
  "integrations": [
      "name": "my_action",
      "label": "My Great Action",
      "supported_action_types": ["cell"],
      "url": "https://example.com/actions/my_action/execute",
      "form_url": "https://example.com/actions/my_action/form"
      "required_fields": [{ tag: "my_tag" }]




Documentation here: https://developers.looker.com/actions/writing-actions/action-api-reference and here:  https://cloud.google.com/looker/docs/action-hub#writing_an_action and code examples here: https://github.com/looker-open-source/actions/tree/master/src/actions

Specifically, both the HubSpot actions have the same requirements as my action: fields must have one specific tag to be used with the action.

On the Actions page in my Looker instance, my action is displayed like this (I've blocked out our company name):
Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 12.19.18.pngFor reference, the HubSpot actions look like this:
Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 12.22.22.png

I've tried every version of tag/any_tag/all_tags with strings and arrays of strings that I can think of, and I can't get Looker to recognise my tag configuration. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I have the same problem, in the action hub I see 'Action can be used with fields tagged undefined.'
when my required fields looks like this:

"required_fields": [{ "tag": "send_to_bq_cell_tag" }]

anyone on staff seen this? this is still broken in 24.6.29, even some out of the box actions have this problem



Update: It looks like there is a bug with the single "tag" field, I tried a cell action using the "any_tag" and specifying an array with a single element and that worked.
"required_fields": [{ "any_tag": ["my_field_tag_here"] }]

I had tried all combinations I could think of of any_tag, all_tags, removing required_fields, etc and nothing worked... but it was on an older version, this worked for me on 24.6.29 looker core.

UPDATE - I can see the action in the UI and 'trigger' it, but the execute endpoint is never reached... so while the 'undefined' issue is resolved, it looks like the cell action just does not work.