Need help migrating from java 8

Hi, im migrating my AppEngine cloud endpoints server from Java 8 and now I'm getting a lot of errors from the Memcache service. which I'm not sure how to handle them. any help will be appreciated. my server is using the Memcache everywhere so I cant remove it. any help will be appreciated.

for example: 

Service error in memcache Memcache put: exception setting 1 key (mitracks_5942694486999040) to '[]' at$RpcResponseHandler.handleApiProxyException( at$RpcResponseHandlerForPut.handleApiProxyException( at$1.absorbParentException( at 

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Hi @cojalvo,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

Please check this documentation on differences between Java 8 and Java 11+ as you may have missed some steps when migrating from Java 8 to Java 11 or later.

Please take note of the following when performing the migration process:

Please check this documentation on migrating off of legacy bundled services for additional information if you don't want to use legacy bundled services for your project.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the response... The problem is that I'm using an old GCP project created in the Android studio and my appengine-web.xml doesn't support  

So I'm not really sure how to add the legaci app engine APIs in such case.   <app-engine-apis>true</app-engine-apis>

Any docs for that? 



@robertcarlos Can you help me understand how to add support for  `<app-engine-apis>true</app-engine-apis>` tag when using an old project created in the Android studio?

I have web.xml and appengine-web.xml files. 

Im really stuck with it and I don't want to migrate my Memcache for Memorystory...i want to keep using the Memecache service. and as I understand to keep using it I must use the `<app-engine-apis>true</app-engine-apis>`


Any help will be approcoiated.



@robertcarlos i might be in this situation as posted in this issue:


But I must keep my Memcache - so is there any solution for using the Memcache service? 

@robertcarlos any chance you can take a look?  thanks!

@robertcarlos  please i need some help here...can you take a look?

Hi @cojalvo,

I don't have visibility on your project. I would suggest checking out this documentation on Memcache API for legacy bundled services, or reach out to Google Cloud support so that they could provide proper assistance regarding your issue.

Hope this helps.

Tnx @robertcarlos my main issue is to use the legacy bundle service... when on adding <app-engine-apis>true</app-engine-apis> to the appegnine-web.xml file I'm getting an error Unrecognized element <app-engine-apis>

Im using an old appengine cloud endpoints project inside an Android studio I migrate my cloud endpoints to V2. but now I'm stuck with the java migration.

Tnx @robertcarlos my main issue is to use the legacy bundle service... when on adding <app-engine-apis>true</app-engine-apis> to the appegnine-web.xml file I'm getting an error Unrecognized element <app-engine-apis>

Im using an old appengine cloud endpoints project inside an Android studio I migrate my cloud endpoints to V2. but now I'm stuck with the java migration.