Google hasn't verified this app

New Member

I'm developing a calendar Android app with Oauth login to sync calendar events, but even after i published the app, the login flow in my Android app still says the app isn't verified.

And it doesnt have any form to "submit for verification". How is the verification done if all steps are followed with regards to data usage. Also the below link says to demonstrate the usage in a video. But i got no request for verification on publishing the app.


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Verification for applications changes depending on the OAuth scopes that your application requires from users. For applications that require sensitive or restricted scopes, additional steps would be required (including a video demonstration of your application). You would need to use the Google Cloud Console to check if the scopes you require are restricted or sensitive.

For all other applications, only ‘brand verification’ is required. The steps to submit the verification form are shown in this section of the FAQ. Keep in mind that even though verification is required for public applications, it’s still possible to publish an unverified app. The OAuth consent screen would then display a warning when users are performing authentication, and it’d be subject to a few limits.

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